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Diccionarios Ingles IV EAD

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The American Heritage Pocket Spanish Dictionary: Spanish/English - English/Spanish by Editors of The American Heritage (R) Dictionaries, American Heritage Dictionary Editors

From the Publisher

Packed with more than 40,000 translations, this handy and affordable bilingual reference tool features U.S. English and Latin American Spanish and hundreds of useful idioms and phrases, and is one of the only pocket-size dictionaries to feature tables of irregular verbs in both English and Spanish.

Author Description

The Editors of the American Heritage Dictionaries and of other reference titles published by Houghton Mifflin Company are trained lexicographers with a varied array of interests and expertise. Most of the editors hold graduate degrees and have studied at least one foreign language. Several have degrees in linguistics or in the history of the English language. Others have degrees in science or sometimes other disciplines. All the editors familiarize themselves with the vocabulary in specific subject areas, collect materials on new developments and usage, and work in association with consultants to ensure that the content of our publications is as accurate and as up-to-date as possible.

Random House Webster's Spanish-English English-Spanish Dictionary: Second Edition (Paperback)

by David L. Gold (Author)

Book Description

Now in a revised and updated second edition, Random House's best-selling bilingual dictionary is ideal for students, businesspeople and travelers. Pronunciations are shown for Spanish and English, with detailed guides to the pronunciation of both languages. It provides International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) pronunciations for Spanish and English, through coverage of general and specialized vocabulary, and many new words and meanings, such as movil/celular (cellular phone), buscapersonas/bip (pager), biodiversidad (biodiversity), ciberspacio (cyberspace) and hoja doe calculo (spreadsheet).

This comprehensive and easy-to-use reference includes:

Over 145,000 definitions of words and phrases

European and Western Hemisphere Spanish

Guides to pronunciation of Spanish and English

American English spelling and vocabulary

The most current Spanish spellings, reflecting the alphabetization rules of the Spanish language academics

The Random House imprint has long stood for excellence in the reference field. Random House reference books—prepared by its permanent lexicographic staff with the assistance of many hundreds of scholars, educators, and specialists—have been widely acclaimed for their outstanding quality and usefulness.


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