Diccionario Ingles.
Enviado por Camila Suarez • 18 de Agosto de 2015 • Tarea • 2.077 Palabras (9 Páginas) • 257 Visitas
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- Marketing: The key for an organization to achieve its goals is to be more eicaz competition, in creating, delivering and communicating value to their target markets.
- Brand-Marca: It is a name, term, sign, symbol, design combination thereof, which identifies the products and services and helps differentiate com, or pertenencientes to one source. which it allows buyers to identify more quickly the goods or services they need or want to feel assured of getting good quality pra buy again.
- Price-Precio: Identify market acceptance or rejection to the "fixed price" of a product or service.
- Segmentation- Segmentacion;: It is a process by which a company subdivides a market subconjutos of customers according to certain characteristics that are useful.
- target market- Mercado meta: It is the selection of marketing strategies which is to choose and analyze target markets and create and maintain an adequate marketing mix.
- needs-Necesidades.: State may be perceived lack of physical food, shelter, security generates a discrepancy between the actual state, desired, autorrealizacion, esteem, belonging and love and security.
- Product-Producto.: Any offer that has the ability to satisfy a need or a desire, and that this, to attract the attention of the target audience to be acquired, used or consumed.
- market research- Investigacion de mercados: It is responsible for obtaining and providing data and information for decision-making related to the practice of marketing.
- Design- Diseño: It is a way to add more value to a basic product.
- Reléase- lanzamiento: Invest heavily and little by little gets customers MIRAR
- Maturity- madurez: establilizan sales and the product is of good quality
- Decline- Declinacion: it stops producing the product
- Logo: It is part of the brand symbol appears as design, different colors or typography, it is recognized at a glance.
- Slogan: is a brief set of combinations to generate an image in the mind of the purchaser words.
- Goals- Objetivos: are the main results they want to achieve with the implementation of the marketing plan.
- Strategy- Estrategia: type of strategy that presents the overall marketing approach that was used to achieve the marketing objectives it has set the company or business unit
- Geographic- Geografica: It requires dividing a market into different geographical units such as nations, regions, states and others.
- Psychographic- psicografica: divides buyers into different groups based on social class, lifestyle, or personality caractersiticas.
- Behavioral- Conductual: divides buyers into groups based on their knowledge, attitudes, habits or responses to a product.
- Demographic- Demografica: The demographic factors are most used bases for segmenting customer groups.
- Positioning- posicionamiento: designates the specific desire of a company to position its brand and image within a particular market segment.
- Sales orientation. Orientación a las ventas: oriented enterprises for sales, marketing means selling items and collect money.
- Market orientation. orientacion al mercado: integrate all activities of the organization, in order to meet customer needs legally and responsibly.
- mass marketing products marketing de productos masivos: The femonomeno of the massiveness of these products: cosmetics clothes, etc.
- marketing services- marketing de servicios: It refers to issues such as diversion, education.It sells something intangible service where the consumer will know their benefit once they use it.
- bank marketing- marketing bancario: no longer limited only companies offering a product like personal loans.
- marketing industrial: marketing has to work on customers who used the products made from this material.
- direct marketing- marketing directo: It communicates without passing through the mass communication media. its use is prevalent in the marketing of services.
- international marketing: It is dedicated to the development and penetration of foreign markets, distinguishing different stages according to the degree of penentracion.
- Features- Caracteristicas: The product is known of a new, necessary and valuable features more basic model.
- line and product range.- línea y gama de productos.: A line is a group of products that are closely related because: work similarly.
- Differentiation: Diferenciacion: the difference immediately name the company from its competition.
- Flexible: be adaptable to new products that can be added to the existing line.
- Remembrance-Recordación: easy to write, remember facilitates a simple and short name.
- Applicability-aplicabilidad: the name identifies the nature and benefits of product and service
- generally only Brand-marca única general: the manufacturer provides on all its products, usually identical level of quality, the products are homegeneos, less marketing effort
- Individual brand products- marca individual por productos: They are convenient when the differences between the products are remarkable high marketing effort.
- Multiple brands- Multimples marcas: similar to that of the individual marks applied to identical but prouctos produced by same manufacturer strategy.
- marks distribution channels-marcas de los canales de distribución:
used by intermediaries who market products under their own brands.
- brand objectives- objetivos de marca: purposes for which they are created for a current product.
- brand strategies: Estrategias de marca: this must be born of branding and what it seeks to find the target market for this product
- brand property settings: parámetros de propiedad de marca:
They are an extension of the brand strategy and seek to define factors as: limitation, geographical, connotation, allows creative development provides identification
- creation and selection of name- creación y selección del nombre: an extensive list of possible names is generated and it is filtered with the parameters.
- brand value- valor de la marca: It is given as consumer loyalty
- packing- Empaque: It consists of all activities of design and production of the product container or envultura.
- According to the seller- segun el vendedor: money paid by the buyer in exchange for a product.
- According to the company- segun la empresa: way to make profits
- according to economists- según los economistas: intersection curves of supply and demand
- distribution channels- canales de distribución: set of independent organizations that help make a product or service or consumption by final consumers or other businesses.
- direct distribution cannel- canal de distribución directo: It is a channel that has no intermediaries but the company sells directly to consumers
- indirect distribution cannel- canal de distribución indirecta: It is a channel that has one or more layers of intermediaries to reach their customers and through them to their consumers
- intermediaries- los intermediarios: perform the functions of distribution,, distribution companies are located between the product and the end user.
- market coverage- cobertura de mercado: Channel selection is important to consider the size and potential market valaor to be supplied.
- Control: proper selection of the distribution channel, ie, is the product control.
- Costs- Costos: shorter the lower channel will be the cost of distribution and therefore lower the price to be paid.
- Research- investigacion: gather information needed to plan and facilitate the Exchange
- Contact- Contacto: find potential buyers and communicate with them
- Adoptation- Adoptacion: product model and adjust to consumer demands.
- Negotiation- negociación: try to find a mutually satisfactory price to the transfer of property to possession afectue
- physical distribution- distribucion física: transport and store godos
- funding – financiamiento: obtain and use the funds to cover the costs of their activities
- risk taking- aceptación de riesgos: risk involved in carrying out the functions of distribution cannel
- wholesaler- mayorista: It is an intermediate which is characterized by selling to retailers, other wholesalers or manufacturers, but never to the consumer or end user.
- Retail- Minorista: retailers or retailers are selling products to the final consumer.
- marketing plan: reflects the decisions to be made so set of the four variables listed
- measurable objective- objetivo medible: It must be verifiable and establish a single result to be achieved
- attainable objective-objetivo alcanzable: be feasible, ie can be obtained with available resources
- realistic objective- objetivo realista: You must take into account the conditions and circumstances of the environment where it is intended to perform.
- the chances of Use- las ocasiones de uso: the time of year when demand is greatest
- user clases- clase de usurios: It is used when the company manages a diversification of the same product
- separating competition- separándolo de la competencia: can be achieved, results in some particular aspect that makes it different from the competition
- different kinds of products- diferente clases de productos: It applies to products other proxy fighting brands.
- Top of mind: It first brand that comes to mind to a consumer, known as first mention
- brand loyalty- lealtad de marca: It is when a brand is one of the most common purchase options considered by the consumer
- purchase intent- Intencion de compra: know what are the actions taken were a client regarding a purchase in the near future.
- basic product-producto fundamental: what the customer buys. use benefits.
- actual product- producto real: It corresponds to tangible ie features
- increased product-producto aumentado: additional services and benefits
- purchase products- productos de compra: They are necessary but requires a process of decision making
- specialty products- productos de especialidad: They require a complex process for the final decisión
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