- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Diccionario agricola en ingles

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  1. Subscription (Abono): Organic or inorganic substance that improves the quality of nutritionally substrate for plants rooted in it.

  2. Acaricide (Acaricida): Pesticide that is used to remove, control or prevent the presence or mites action by a chemical action.

  3. Acariosis (Acariosis): Plague caused by the mite Calepitrimerus vitis.

  4. Organic acid (Acido organico): As citric acid, malic accompanying, oxalic and tartaric acid contained in citrus juice.
  5. Layering (Acodo): Propagation method by which the formation of adventitious roots in branches still attached to the mother plant is raised.

  6. Water activity (Actividad del agua): Relationship between the vapor pressure of a given relative to the vapor pressure of pure water at the same temperature food.

  7. Brussels chicory (Achicoria de bruselas): Smooth variety of endive, the bud of the tender, pale leaves consumed.

  8. Complexing agent (Agente complejante): Organic material that allows micronutrients not be blocked on the ground and therefore be better and more quickly assimilated by plants.

  9. Aerobic (Aerobico): Describes which requires elementary free oxygen, or which is not destroyed by the presence of this.
  10. Agriculture Science (Agronomia): Set applicable to farming knowledge derived from the sciences, physical and economic.
  11. Agriculture (Agricultura): Soil treatment works and growing vegetables, usually for food.
  12. Organic farming (Agricultura Ecologica): Culture system based on the optimal use of natural resources without using synthetic chemicals or genetically modified organisms.
  13. Agronomy (Agronomia): Set applicable to farming knowledge derived from the sciences, physical and economic.
  14. Water (Agua): A substance whose molecules are formed by the combination of an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms, liquid, odorless, tasteless and colorless.                                                                    
  15. To (Ala): Any expansion or expansion of laminar sheets which is located in the petiole type.
  16. Carob (Algarroba): Fruit of the carob, a sweet and edible pod, brown on the outside and inside yellowish, very hard seeds, and which is given as food to the cattle work.
  17. Algaecide (Alguicida): Such a product especially algae removes or prevents its development.
  18. Warehouse (Almacén): Building or premises where genders of any species, usually deposited goods.
  19. Starch (Almidón): Carbohydrate that is the main energy reserve of almost all vegetables. It has food and industrial uses.
  20. Alogamia (Alogamia): Sexual reproduction based on the cross-pollination and fertilization between genetically different individuals plants.
  21. Amino acid (Aminoácido): Organic chemical whose molecular structure includes an amino group and a carboxyl.
  22. Anaerobe (Anaerobio): In an organism that can live without oxygen.
  23. Antifungal (Antifúngico): To combat fungi or prevent its onset.
  24. Grapevine anthracnose (Antracnosis de la vid): Disease caused by the fungus Sphaceloma ampelinum whose symptoms are dark and sunken spots on leaves, stems and fruits.
  25. Beekeeping (Apicultura): Art of keeping bees to get their products.
  26. Aquenio (Aquenio): Dry indehiscent fruit that comes from a single carpel, with a single seed and pericarp not welded to it. Typical composite fruit.
  27. Root suffocation (Asfixia radicular): Process generated a deficit in oxygen availability due to excessive moisture.
  28. Technical assistance (Asistencia técnica): Service provided by a given institution to farmers' fields through agronomy professionals in order to improve their knowledge in agriculture of a product.
  29. Atmosphere (Atmósfera): Layer of air surrounding the Earth.
  30. Autogamy (Autogamia): Type of sexual reproduction in which an individual is fertilized himself.
  31. Winnowing (Aventadora): Machine or instrument Fanning and clean grain.
  32. Bacterium (Bacteria): Prokaryotic unicellular organism, the various species cause fermentations, diseases or putrefaction in living organisms or organic matter.
  33. Bactericide (Bactericida): That destroys bacteria.
  34. Water balance (Balance hídrico): It is the balance between all water entering the system and leaving the same in a given time interval.
  35. Biomass (Biomasa): Organic matter originated in a usable biological, spontaneous or induced, process for energy.
  36. Biosecurity (Bioseguridad): Sanitary and prophylactic measures used permanently, prevent and avoid input and output with infectious agents in a poultry farm or farming operation.
  37. Biotechnology (Biotecnología): Set of techniques used by bioquímincas properties of biological entities to improve agricultural production or industrial production of chemicals, etc.
  38. Sweet potato (Boniato): Edible tuber root of sweet potato, brown on the outside and yellow or white on the inside, about twelve feet long, five in diameter and spindle shaped. Boniato.
  39. Breda (Breda): Lawn Family Chenopodiaceae, large leaves, broad, smooth and juicy plant, whose petiole is thick and ribbed on the inside. It is edible.
  40. Fig (Breva): First fruit annually gives the breval fig tree, which is higher than the fig.
  41. Buniato (Buniato): Edible tuber root of sweet potato, brown on the outside and yellow or white on the inside, about twelve feet long, five in diameter and spindle shaped.
  42. Agricultural science (Ciencia agronómica): The knowledge applicable to farming, derivatives of the exact, natural and economic sciences.
  43. Agricultural sciences (Ciencias agrícolas): The knowledge applicable to farming, derivatives of the exact, natural and economic sciences.
  44. Harvest (Cosecha): Set of fruits, usually of a crop, which is harvested from the earth to get at the time; such as wheat, barley, grapes, olives, etc.
  45. Grow (Cultivar): Attractions farming land needed to plant plants and seeds in it or to care what is planted and get off of it.
  46. Cultivation (Cultivo): Art farming. It refers to the Different treatment of soil and plant crops, usually for food.
  47. Cover (Cubierta): Plastic material covering the greenhouse.
  48. Carotene (Caroteno): Each unsaturated vegetable and red, orange or yellow oil. Found in tomatoes, carrots, egg yolk, etc., and animals become vitamin A.
  49. Cucurbitácea (Cucurbitacea): It is said of dicotyledonous angiosperm plants gnarled stem, usually with rough hair, simple and alternate leaves regularly unisexual flowers of five sepals and five stamens, fleshy fruit and seed without albumen.
  50. Corymb (Corimbo): Inflorescence constituted by an elongated shaft to start the secondary axles, being longer, the more they are inserted down, so that the flowers come to be almost at the same height.
  51. Cereal (Cereal): It is said of the grass plants that give farinaceous, or these same fruits, such as wheat, rye and barley fruit.
  52. Dehiscence (Dehiscencia): Owned by some closed or anthers of the flowers opened to spread the pollen or seeds.
  53. BOD (Demanda biológica de oxígeno): Parameter measuring the amount of subject matter to be consumed or oxidized by biological means in a liquid sample. It is used to measure the amount of organic pollution in wastewater.
  54. Density (Densidad): Magnitude expressing the relationship between the mass and volume of a body.
  55. Disinfection (Desinfección): Process decreased soil microbial content.
  56. Carbon dioxide (Dióxido de carbon): Gas whose molecules are composed of two oxygen atoms and one carbon.
  57. Packing (Empacadora): Or implement self-propelled machine used to pack the straw.
  58. Ensilage (Ensilado): Forage preservation process based on lactic fermentation of grass that produces lactic acid and a drop of pH below 5.
  59. Cutting (Esqueje): Stem or bud that is inserted into ground to reproduce the plant.
  60. Eutrophication (Eutrofización): Increased nutrients in freshwater lakes and reservoirs, causing an excess of phytoplankton.
  61. Evapotranspiration (Evapotranspiración): Evapotranspiration (ET) is the sum of direct evaporation from the soil surface (Es), perspiration (Ep) and evaporation from the surface of the plants (Eps).
  62. Agricultural extension (Extensión agrícola): Service provided by a given institution to farmers' fields through agronomy professionals in order to improve their knowledge in agriculture of a product.
  63. Fertilizer (Fertilizante): Organic or inorganic substance that improves the quality of nutritionally substrate for plants rooted in it.
  64. Fertigation (Fertiriego): Applying solid or liquid fertilizers pressurized irrigation systems, creating a nutrient-enriched water.
  65. Fitopatógeno (Fitopatógeno): Organism that causes alterations in plants.
  66. Fitorregulador (Fitorregulador): Regulating product growth of plants; normally it is plant hormones (phytohormones), and its main functions are to stimulate or paralyze the development of the roots and aerial parts.
  67. Phytotoxicity (Fitotoxicidad): Some chemical toxicity to the crop plants.
  68. Fodder (Forraje): Preserved dried grass for livestock feed.
  69. Fungicide (Fungicida): Such an agent that destroys fungi.
  70. Germination (Germinación): Process in which growth emerges from a state of rest.
  71. Gravimetry (Gravimetría): Separation by mechanical means, minerals and gangue based on their densities.
  72. Armyworm (Gusano soldado): It is a migratory pest and its polyphagous character causes affecting horticultural crops of pepper, tomato, eggplant, cucumber, beans, watermelon and cantaloupe, as well as ornamental crops.
  73. Herbicide (Herbicida): In a chemical that destroys or prevents herbaceous plants development.
  74. Hygrometer (Higrómetro): Instrument used to measure the flow, speed or strength of a fluid in motion.
  75. Fungus (Hongo): Talofita plant without chlorophyll, of varied size and preferably asexual reproduction by spores. It is parasitic and live on decaying organic materials. Its talo, filamentous and branched ordinarily known as mycelium absorbs nutritious organic principles exist in between.
  76. Vegetable (Hortaliza): Set of plants usually grown in gardens or irrigation, that are consumed as food, either raw or cooked culinary way.
  77. Humidity (Humedad): Amount of water vapor present in the air.
  78. Humus (Humus): Topsoil, formed by the decomposition of plant and animal materials.
  79. Indehiscente (Indehiscente): Fruit that is not able to open spontaneously on their own to release their seeds to disperse.
  80. Graft (Injerto): Operation whereby a portion of the plant joins another plant, which will become your support and we will provide the necessary nutrients for growth, so that both end up becoming one floor with the general characteristics of the first of them.
  81. Insecticide (Insecticida): It used to kill insects.
  82. Greenhouse (Invernadero): Glass or plastic construction in which plants are grown at a higher temperature than outside.
  83. Kumquat (Kumquat): Fruit tree and shrub of the family Rutaceae, citrus closely related to those who are capable of hybridizing.
  84. Bean (Judía): Vegetable color, shape and variable dimensions, inside which have 4 to 6 seeds.
  85. Vegetable (Legumbre): Fruit of leguminous plants.
  86. Lovage (Levístico): Plant family of the Apiaceae probably native to Central Asia, used as a spice for flavoring dishes, especially in southern and central Europe.
  87. Líneo (Líneo): Vulgar expression of linear plants in greenhouse. It refers to a row of crops.
  88. Leaching (Lixiviación): Soil washing process for water filtration.
  89. Macronutrient (Macronutriente): Nutrients that supply most of the energy metabolism of the body.
  90. Maturation (Maduración):
  91. Corn (Maiz): Plant family of grasses, with thick stem, one to three meters high, depending on the species, long, flat, pointed leaves, male flowers in terminal clusters and female in axillary spikes guarded by a pod. It is native to tropical America, it is cultivated in Europe and produces pods with highly nutritious coarse grains and yellow.
  92. Brush (Maleza): Undesirable plant in a growing area.
  93. Manometer (Manómetro): Instrument that measures the pressure.
  94. Margotto (Margotto): Propagation method by which the formation of adventitious roots in branches still attached to the mother plant is raised.
  95. Cob (Mazorca): Fruit in dense spike, grain close together, of certain plants grasses such as corn.
  96. Environment (Medio ambiente): Set of abiotic elements (solar energy, land, water and air) and biotic (living organisms) that make up the thin layer of the Earth called biosphere, living and home living beings.
  97. Medium (Medio de cultivo): Solution with the necessary nutrients to recover, multiply, isolate and identify microorganisms under favorable conditions of temperature and pH.
  98.  Mycelium (Micelio): Mass vegetative hyphae constituting the body of a fungus.
  99. Mycology (Micología): Subdiscipline of botany that is dedicated to the scientific study of fungi.
  100.  Microbicide (Microbicida): That kills microbes.
  101. Microbe (Microbio): Living being that can only be viewed with a microscope.
  102. Micronutrient (Micronutriente): Essential elements whose concentration in ground is less than 0.1% by dry weight.
  103. Nebulization (Nebulización): Involves applying water droplets in the atmosphere to cause its evaporation, so that it evaporates the liquid, carry the heat absorbed therein.
  104. Nitrate (Nitrato): Salt or ester of nitric acid HNO3.
  105. Nutrient (Nutriente): It is a chemical from the outside of the cell and it needs to perform its vital functions.
  106. Oligoelement (Oligoelemento): Essential elements whose concentration in ground is less than 0.1% by dry weight.
  107. Caterpillar (Oruga): Juvenile phase of animals metamorphosis.
  108. Parasite (Parasite): In an animal or plant organism that lives off another distinct species, feeding on it and depauperándolo without actually killing him.
  109. Obligate parasite (Parásito obligado): Organism that can only get food from a living protoplasm; the obligate parasites can not be grown in non-living resources.
  110. Petiole (Peciolo): Of the blade that connects the blade to the stem.
  111. Percolation (Percolación): And motion filtering fluids through porous materials unsaturated.
  112. Permaculture (Permacultura): Current agriculture seeking permanent management systems with a holistic vision and a strong moral fiber. It raises the integration between agriculture and ecosystems.
  113. Permeability (Permeabilidad): Is the ability of a material to which a fluid to pass therethrough without changing its internal structure. 
  114. Peseta (Peseta): Physiopathy crop located caused by a deficiency of calcium (Ca) in the distal fruit tissues. This disorder can be presented as a visible black area (necrosis) in the distal (lower) part of the fruit and sensitive cultivars can cause internal rot.
  115. pH (pH): Index expresses the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Between 0 and 7 the solution is acidic, and 7 to 14, basic.
  116. Pigmentation (Pigmentación): It is the color of a particular part of the plant for deposit therein of pigments.
  117. Impingement (Pinzamiento): Consistent work in removing the apical end of a plant bud.
  118. Plague (Plaga): Animals, plants and microorganisms that have a negative effect on agricultural production
  119. Pesticide (Plaguicide): Chemicals used to control, prevent or destroy pests that affect agricultural plantations.
  120. Plant (Panta): Be organic that grows and lives, but no change of place by voluntary impulse.
  121. Blossom end rot (Podredumbre apical): Physiopathy crop located caused by a deficiency of calcium (Ca) in the distal fruit tissues.
  122. Rootstock (Portainjerto): Plant receiving the graft, it takes root or develops later with mineral nutrition that provides the pattern-range partnership.
  123. Putrefaction (Putrefacción): Action and effect of rot.
  124. PAR radiation (Radiación PAR): Also it called photosynthetically active radiation and refers to the amount of radiation that is capable of producing photosynthetic activity in plants and other photosynthetic organisms like algae and bacteria.
  125. Gather (recolectar):  Reap the harvest
  126. Rosette (Roseta): Is circular leaf in which all are at the same height a provision. This rosette formation is typical in many, especially common in the Asteraceae and Brassicaceae botanical families.
  127. Hoe (Sacho): Hand tool very similar to but smaller hoe, used to combine and manual weeding among many agricultural earnings.
  128. Sedimentation (Sedimentación): Material accumulation process after being eroded and transported.
  129. Solarization (Solarización): Solarization is a technique of disinfection "clean" ground that uses solar radiation. 
  130. Sulphate (Sulfato): Mineral or organic salt of sulfuric acid.
  131. Sulphite (Sulfite): Mineral or organic salt of sulfurous acid.
  132. Groove (Surco): Or elongated slit opening is done in the land, generally with the plow.
  133. Substratum (Sustrato): All kinds of organic or inorganic material enclosed in a container is a physical support for growing a plant and in its material condition may or may not provide nutrients.
  134. Temperature (Temperature): Physical quantity that expresses the degree or level of body heat or the environment. His unit in the International System is the kelvin (K).
  135. Thermometer (Termometro): Instrument used to measure temperature.
  136.  Thermostat (Termostato): Device used to automatically maintain a certain temperature.
  137. Totipotentiality (Totipotencialidad): Term that refers to cells of plant growth. They allow plants rebroten after suffering a wound or trauma.
  138. Toxin (Toxina): Poison produced by living organisms.
  139. Transmissivity (Transmisividad): Is the proportion of solar radiation incident on a material that is capable of being transmitted by the material, ie, is the porporción of solar radiation can pass through said material.
  140. Perspiration (Transpiración): It is a transfer of water from the plant into the atmosphere having a gradient smaller than that of the ground moisture.
  141. Trichoderma (Trichoderma): Endopatogeno eliminating fungus disease of plants in the ground such as scab.
  142. Urea (Urea): Product nitrogen excretion, which constitutes most of the organic matter contained in the urine of terrestrial vertebrates.
  143. Forced ventilation (Ventilación forzada): System that allows air exchange with the outside mechanically.
  144. Virus (Virus): Simple body structure composed of proteins and nucleic acids, and can reproduce only within specific living cells, using their metabolism.
  145. Nursery (Vivero): Farm dedicated to multiplication and / or development of plants so far they acquire the necessary strength to be transplanted into the final field.
  146. Xylem (Xylema): Xylem is a tissue driver is responsible for transporting raw materials absorbed by the roots to producing organs (which are the leaves)
  147. Zearalenone (Zearalenona): Metabolite produced by several species of Fusarium, naturally occurring contaminant of cereals, particularly maize.
  148. Zeaxanthin (Zeaxantina): Soluble pigment yellowish color that appears on algae, bacteria and higher plants.
  149. Zeolite (Zeolita): They are aluminosilicates containing large ions and water molecules with freedom of movement. They are used as fertilizer, allowing the plants to grow faster and to facilitate photosynthesis.
  150. Zein (Zeína): Corn protein.


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