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Differences in observation between males and females

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Scientific Investigation and Report

Do males and females have different abilities when making and remembering observations?

Student’s Name: Alejandra Fernández de la Rosa

Student ID: #5

Teacher: Karen Denisse López García

Due Date: 29 September 2017

Word Count: 827

Table of Content

⦁ Abstract

⦁ Introduction

⦁ Methods

⦁ Results/Findings

⦁ Discussion

⦁ Conclusions and Recommendations

⦁ References


In this project is going to be shown the final results of a study accomplished in 2 groups of 10 people each with 5 women and 5 men. In this study will prove which of both genres has a greater degree of memorization and concentration in situations with ambient variables and of mishap. The first group will be tested in a relaxed atmosphere without pressure; on the other hand, the second group will be exposed to the same test but in an environment under pressure and exaggerated noises. At the end of the study the results and possible reasons for the final results will be explained.


It is well known that males and females have different abilities against different circumstances of life. As the brain of males and females expose different areas with activity in the brain and estrogen and testosterone influence is the activity of this organ, there is no certain science that shows conclusively which of both sexes is better remembering things. In this project it will be exposed the results of an applied study on men and women of similar ages and the difference of memorization between both sexes. Based on the information and conditions mentioned below, it was projected the same picture and survey to both sexes in which it was expected females to show a better response.

Research Methodology

The experiment that was performed consisted in visualizing and memorizing an image and next answer a series of questions. A set of 20 people was divided in 2 groups of 10 with 5 males and females each. One group completed the activity listening classic music in a regulated volume, meanwhile, in the other group was played heavy metal in high volume during this.

For the activity it was used the image shown below, two music tracks and a brief questionnaire. It is important to mention that the constants of the experiment were the image and the questions used; however, there was a variable which was the playback of the different musical genres.

Research Results

The result of the experiment shows that females have a better and more durable capacity of memorization. In both of the groups the women have better concentration and memorization even with the heavy metal music,


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