- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Essay by gary


Honesty is one of the values ​​most sought by companies when hiring new employees, that is why people should encourage this habit, and as all habit learn in childhood, as the habits learned in this stage will guide the individual during all his life, that is why the people in charge of the education of the little ones should punish dishonesty and thereby promote its antonym, honesty

As mentioned before, honesty is one of the main characteristics to hire personnel for a particular company, as declared by the first court collegiate of the fifteenth circuit: "The lack of probity and honesty of the worker projects his attitude of not proceeding correctly in the functions entrusted, departing from the obligations that are in charge or proceeding against them, with the damaged intention to harm the employer ".
For the aforementioned, no company that within its values ​​is find honesty or honesty, hire a dishonored person to harm the organization, that is why honesty is of vital importance.
Honesty is not bought or sold, honesty is acquired with the day to day, in each Act that is carried out, as declared by Alvarado, Montenegro and García (s.f.) "a habit is a stable mechanism that creates skills or abilities, is flexible and can be used in several Situations of daily life " Personal contribution Habits are formed from early age, that is why, the teachers of young children (primary, mainly) should not allow their students to be copied in the exams, because if they allow it, plagiarism and theft are fomented because, as the denomination of Jehovah's Witnesses, "copying is stealing."
If plagiarism is encouraged, the child is taught to steal and to make dishonesty part of his daily life and in that way, we are predestining them to not be hired or fired by his superiors.  

Honesty is a value that is being lost in society and is what is predestinating many people not to be hired by companies or organizations, to be unemployed and that encourages crime, that is why those responsible for the education of children from their most tender age should punish dishonesty and in that way encourage honesty, as the childhood where the person learns the values ​​that will guide him throughout his life


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