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Film Review God is not dead.

Enviado por   •  4 de Diciembre de 2016  •  Reseña  •  405 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  163 Visitas

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Film Review #2


God is not dead

My name is Martina Giamoco, the purpose of this writing, is to let you know about the movie God is not dead, I’m going to make a kind of review, which will take into account my personal opinion sidewalk of the movie, a small summary about what it is, its cast, who are the actors, this is usually the most important thing, right? Well to my way of seeing it is, since if it acts a person who does it very well I would think that the film will be fantastic, besides that I will give you a little reflection of what the film is.

At the beginning, we can say that this is one of the films with a higher ranking, at a specific time, in which people doubted about the existence of God, therefore the director Harold Cronk, decided to release to present it, is a Film of religious drama, in which it tries to demonstrate the existence of God in a classroom in which the professor only thinks in the philosophy and does not believe in God, therefore at the moment that the characters acted by Shane Harper being the student Creator of God, tries to give explanations about the existence of God, by meanings and real factors he convinces all his classmates and makes them change their mentality, leaving aside the philosophy of Professor Josh who is acted by Kevin Sorbo.

This is how the film begins and ends, it is developed in an open space, and most of the scenes are recorded in a school in Baton Rouge in Louisiana while the part of the Newboys concert was filmed in Texas. The scenes are very well filmed and even maintain sharpness, background music is never missing, in short all the positives points that can be given to the movie is the message that gives you, but in negative aspects from critiques heard previously, we can say that there is a lack of verisimilitude in the characters.

In short, for all believers in God I recommend, because it is a very good movie, because it shows the importance of fighting against people who do not believe in God, and also it demonstrates that any kind of people can fight for something that they believe, no matter what other people think about.


Cronk, H. (Director). (2014). God's not dead [Video file]. United States. Retrieved from


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