- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Habilidades De Liderazgo

Enviado por   •  22 de Marzo de 2013  •  264 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  489 Visitas

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Signature’s name: Leading Ability

Signature’s code: SLI009

Knowledge Area: Engineering

Cuarter in which is applied: FIFTH

Carrer in which is applied: All



To develop the student’s ability for identifying and analyzing the leading impact in organizational activity with the objective of develop positive attitude changes, such as take the correct and adequate decision.

Type of required practice for the student’s learning: Work in teams

Competence Habilities Attituds

• Develop into the student the reflection though, criticize and decision.

• Develop in the student the capacity of been able to work in teams.

• Critical thinking (subject responsability).

• Work’s organization (remark).

• Engagement to develop the team work.

• Respect the others’ ideas.

• Responsaility in the subject’s work.

* Social engagement.

Regard time that is needed for give the knowledge to the student, each UA (hours): LEARNING UNITS THEORY PRACTICE

El Liderazgo 6 5

Rasgos y ética del liderazgo. 5 5

Liderazgo Organizacional. 6 7

Work in team 5 6

Total hours per cuarter: 45 22 23

Total hours per week: 3 2 1

Total presencials hours: 45

No presencials total hours: 0

Total hours: 45

Credits: 5


1. Lussier N., Robert. Liderazgo. Thomson. 1999. México.

2. Hesselbein, Frances. El líder del futuro. Deusto. 1996. España.

2. Jaap, Tom. Fondo Editorial Legis. 1991. Colombia.

4. R. Covey, Stephen. El liderazgo centrado en principios. Piados. 1994. México.

5. Ginebra, Joan. El líder y la acción. Mc Graw Hill. 1994. México.

6. De Oliveira, Paulo. Técnicas de liderazgo y participación. Dabar. 1995. México.

7. Mc Farland, Linne Joy, et al . Liderazgo en acción. Mc Graw Hill. 1996. México.


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