How can I use all the material to teach ?
Enviado por David Arroyo • 27 de Marzo de 2017 • Práctica o problema • 643 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 338 Visitas
The first class with 2nd grade was better as I could imagine, the students participate in all the activities and also responds as well as they can according their knowledge. The activity best worked was when T gives Ss a word card of some verbs to they search for the translation and also pass to the past sense the verb to stick ij the chart that T draws in the board. However was little difficult for T to find a way to use the story which I used to introduce the class Ss, I tend to think that for the nerves I cant make the activity as I wanted to do, the mentor teacher told that I have to use the material in more innovative ways because is a very good material but is not used enough. | How can I use all the material to teach ? | |
My second classs with second grades was boring because I couldn’t create a good environment with the students also the activities that I used with them didn’t mean anything for Ss do all my class lost sense although all the activities were made. | What kind of activities I should use to create an interactive environment with the students? | |
My third class with second result so well in contrast the previous ones, and this because I ask to my mentor teacher about what kind of asctivities I could use with the students and she suggest me a series of activities that I apply with the group and all the students participated, the only thing was the time the final activity was a little complicated I think because Ss did´t finished on time . | How can I optimize the times? | |
This class with the group I worked with the students with a serie of activities in which ss had to work in teams in this class I didn’t have any problem. | ||
This last class with the students was about to write sentences in past simple using leisure activities in different places the students worked individually and teacher pass to the places to clarify doubts and grammar finally Ss asked to classmates about their activities, whit this activities also I didn’t have problems. | ||
First grade
My 1st class with them was complicated because the studend didn’t has a background knowledge I mean the vocabulary that they suposue had to use and know didn’t have learned yet, so my activities for they in this classes and in the next after that don’t going to be helpful for them. | What kind of resources can I use to redirect my planning in order of be adequate to students´ needs? | |
The seconde class was a little stressfull first because the mentor teacher was in the classroom and I didn’t how start the class or how teach Ss the vocabulary because my activities weren’t adequate fot them so I tried to finish my class as well as I could, however the class was a mess I get frustrated because of me, finaly I went to my teacher to explain my concern and she explainme about the knowledge with students and that the came of primary school with a very low level so she wants that I explain the students the most basic things of the topic. | What I have to do, to create or think in activities more adequate for students? | |
My third class was better than previous a lot because I think in activities news for the students with help of my mentor teacher and also with help of some teacher of my school, but how can I think in more activities for them. | how can I think in more activities for them? | |
The class 4 and 5 was about to remaind all the vocabulary using different strategies and games to students check all the vocabulary seeing in the previous classes in order to make that students could use the expressions in different situations. | ||
Third grade