Enviado por Dti Traumatologia Victor O Garcia • 9 de Noviembre de 2020 • Examen • 1.395 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 203 Visitas
Capital punishment has been used throughout history, although its methods and the crimes for which it is used have changed over the centuries.
Nowadays not only are the methods different but more importantly not everyone agrees that capital punishment should be used. People are divided into two distinct groups; those for and those against. This is because this issue is black and white; there is no grey area.
In the USA, 85% of the population over the age of 21 approve of the death penalty. In the many states which still have the death penalty, some use the electric chair, which can take up to 20 minutes to kill, while others use gas or lethal injections.
By contrast, in Britain, public opinion started to turn against the use of capital punishment after the Second World War. A number of well-publicised cases in the fifties, helped to bring about this swing. One of these was the posthumous pardon of Timothy Evans, hanged for murders which, it was later proved, had been committed by someone else.
However, despite this change of opinion, the death penalty was not actually abolished in Britain until 1965. And even now there are many people both inside and outside Parliament who would like it to be reintroduced. There have been 14 attempts to bring back hanging since its abolition.
The pro-hanging lobby uses four main arguments to support its call for the reintroduction of capital punishment. First there is the deterrence theory, which argues that potential murderers would think twice before committing the act if they knew that they might die if they were caught.
The next argument in favor of bringing back capital punishment concerns public security. If the death penalty were reinstated, it would mean that a convicted murderer could not be set free after serving 20 years or less of a life sentence and be able to go on to murder again. Consequently, the general public would be safer.
The idea of retribution demands that criminals should get what they deserve: if a murderer intentionally sets out to commit a crime, he/she should accept the consequences. Retribution, which is just another word for revenge, is supported by the religious doctrine of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
The fourth and last main pro-hanging argument is the most cold-blooded. It is that it makes economic sense to hang convicted murderers rather than keep them in prison wasting taxpayers' money.
The arguments against the death penalty are largely humanitarian. But there are also statistical reasons for opposing it: the deterrence figures do not add up. In Britain, 1903 was the record year for executions and yet in 1904 the number of homicides actually rose. There was a similar occurrence in 1946 and 1947. If the deterrence theory were correct, the rate should have fallen.
The second main argument against reintroducing capital punishment is that innocent people are sometimes wrongly convicted, and while people can be released from prison, they cannot be brought back from the dead if they have been hanged.
The other reasons to oppose the death penalty are largely a matter of individual conscience and belief. One is that murder is murder and that the state has no more right to take a life than the individual. The other is that Christianity preaches forgiveness, not revenge.
1) Responda en castellano las siguientes preguntas, respondiendo con la información suministrada en el texto ((Valor: 40 puntos)
¿Cuánto tiempo hace que se usa la pena de muerte? ¿Qué puede decir de los métodos?
La pena de muerte se utiliza desde tiempos históricos. Los métodos varían desde la horca, la silla eléctrica, la cámara de gas o las inyecciones letales.
¿Qué opina la gente en general sobre la pena de muerte?
La opinión general está dividida en dos grupos: a favor y en contra. No hay posiciones intermedias.
¿Cómo es vista la pena capital en los Estados Unidos?
85% de la población general mayor de 21 años aprueba la pena de muerte en los Estados Unidos.
¿Cuándo comenzaron a cambiar de opinión los británicos? ¿Por qué?
En Gran Bretaña la opinión comenzó a cambiar luego de la II Guerra Mundial, en los años cincuenta y particularmente luego del perdón póstumo otorgado a Timothy Evans, quien fue ejecutado en la horca por crímenes que luego se probó fueron realizados por otra persona.
¿Cuáles son los cuatro argumentos principales de las personas que están a favor de la pena de muerte?
1- teoría disuasiva: la pena de muerte actuaría como disuasoria para los que decidieran cometer un crimen.
2- teoría de la seguridad pública: aquellos sentenciados a pena capital, no tendrían la oportunidad de obtener su libertad luego de haber cumplido parte de su condena en prisión, para volver a cometer un crimen.
3- teoría de la retribución o de la venganza: aquellos que cometieran un asesinato, deberían recibir el mismo trato que sus víctimas. Se basa en el doctrina religiosa de venganza: ojo por ojo, diente por diente.