Enviado por ANA3030 • 4 de Noviembre de 2014 • 1.074 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 135 Visitas
It was Halloween and the boys were told horror stories.
They were four in the tree house that used to be used as a meeting point. It was half past twelve and flashlight beams were moving shadows in the corners. The faces of the boys, they all pale and tense, like balloons floating in the dark. Ramiro was time to tell his story, and began:
I'm not going to talk about vampires, no werewolves or abandoned cemeteries, but something that really happened. Here in this block. To be more precise, in this same tree.
We're all ears Federico said, somewhat mockingly.
-A Neighbor hung on one of the branches-Ramiro said, pointing them outward. It was long ago. The old Jeremiah, who lives around the corner from my house, told me the story. He said the guy's name was Martinez and was totally crazy. Everyone was afraid. At night screaming and strange voices were heard at home, although the guy lived alone. And dogs. Always seemed a dead dog in his path. Some said that he poisoned. Others, who used them as a sacrifice to the devil. They said whispering terrible things, and once with a knife attacked a pizza delivery man who was passing by. They put him in the loony bin, but a year out. And a month later he was found hanging from the branches of the same tree.
Is that all? - Agustina, a little disappointed with the story said.
The other boy shook his head, sorry.
'A few months, I walked by bike here, when I looked up and saw him. I saw Martinez. It hung from a branch. At first I thought it was a doll that someone had put there as a joke. But it was not a doll, it was an apparition. His feet still kicking and emitted sounds horrible drowning. And then he was still. It was nap time, memory, and did not walk anyone in the street. I ran and got into my room, and I did not leave the rest of the afternoon. Two days later I saw him again. It was night, and was about to sleep when I heard a noise outside. I looked out the window, his head hanging from a rope, swinging swaying in the wind. And his eyes ... his eyes were fixed on me. They glowed in the dark. I closed the window and prayed until he was asleep. The next day, Coli, my dog, was found dead.
Oh, for God said Agustina, her hand to her mouth.
I think I'd better stop, okay - Federico stammered, glancing at his friends-. You're scaring Agus ...
My dog was killed in the garden- Ramiro raised his voice, not to restrain himself. Hard as a rock. We buried him in the yard, and when I looked at the tree, the guy was there, hanging and smiling mockingly. That was the last time I saw him. At least until today. Now I want to invoke. I want to have face to face, and revenge for the death of my dog.
You're loco whispered Federico, and unable to hide the fear. What the hell do you think?
Today is Halloween, and the line that separates us from the world of the