Language English is very important in our country
Enviado por • 13 de Noviembre de 2014 • 710 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 240 Visitas
Nowadays, Language English is very important in our country, not just because we are neighbors of the
Great Power in the World, which is The United States, also because we share thousands of miles of
Border. As border we are, specifically in Reynosa increasingly see the need to be bilingual, and obviously,
As students of Industrial Engineering, more learning this need arises, by the establishment of Industries of
U.S origin and others where we need to speak English.
Currently, what mainly drives the domain of language, is the competition that we face with a high index of
Students who have completed their career in Industrial Engineering, students who wish to occupy a good position
in a company once they finished the College. We know that today, it is required to be bilingual in order to achieve
it. Now the question arises: Why do students fail the English subject? Good question. Both difficult and easy to
If we focus primarily on Mexican students, we definitely can find a lot of points. First, in the majority of population
in Mexico, we have not inculcated a “Study culture” In general, no custom to spend some quality time in the day
to review what was learned in class. This is where we face our first weakness or disadvantage.
Secondly, we are often inclined to think Language English is difficult and believe that we will never have the ability
to master a second language. Ironically, we limit ourselves to prove that we have such capacity.
Another reason is that perhaps we don´t have the habit of reading in English, to watch T.V , movies, listen music,
knowing its meaning through the use of subtitles in English and Spanish, try to speak and practice it and the use of
dictionary whenever questions arise.
As my last reason, In my opinion the most affecting and limiting to learn, is the fear of being judged by speaking,
because there is always the fear of being criticized by others for not having a good pronunciation and be liable to
be butt of jokes.
We must be aware that to know a few words, verbs and sentences it´s not enough to think that “We speak
English”. To really master it you need to make it part of our daily lives, by applying at least one of the
aforementioned methods and practices. In that way, we can gradually become familiar with the language and so,
“unconsciously”, learn it, as happened with the Spanish.
I would like to add this, that