Language Structures and Functions
Enviado por gloriset • 14 de Noviembre de 2012 • 809 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 600 Visitas
Gloriset Garcia Mejia
Language Structures and Functions
Minuto de Dios University
The aim of this article is to analyze the way university teacher from Uniminuto introduce the topic
and catch student's attention ,the study took into account the discourse analysis. The empirical
information comes from the observation during 3 weeks of a teacher who teaches politic and a
testimonies individually after preliminary data analysis. It is conclude that is relevant to prepare the
topic and the activities before teacher, promote a brainstorming or a space for resolving questions or
doubts, and contextualize the topic.
Key words:Attention, contextualization.
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la forma en la cual el docente universitario de Uniminuto ,
introduce su materia y consigue la atención de los estudiantes para ello se tuvo en cuenta el análisis del
discurso. La información empírica procede la observación durante tres semanas de un docente que
enseña política y una entrevista por separado después del análisis de los datos preliminares. Se
concluye que es relevante la preparación del tema y actividades antes de enseñar, promover una lluvia
de ideas espacio para resolver dudas e inquietudes y contextualizar el tema a ver .
Palabras claves: Atención, contextualización.
Some tips and strategies for getting student
attention at the beginning of class, could be very
important, currently in the classroom there
difficulties which don't leave to do effective the
learning, sometimes the student can't avoid to
Gloriset Garcia Mejia
distract with other activities or the lesson is long
and boring.
Theorical Framework:
Attention and Education:
“The first step for learning is pay attention.
Students can not process information which they
do not know or perceive. Many factors in the
classroom affect the student's attention. Images,
attractive actions or striking are useful to attract
attention at the beginning a lesson. The teacher,
for example start a science lesson on air pressure
by inflating a balloon until it bursts. To capture
the attention serve bright colors, underline,
enhancement of words written or spoken, call to
the students by name, unusual events, perplexing
questions, the variety of tasks and teaching
methods as well as changes in the voice intensity,
lighting or pace. In addition, students must
maintain attention, It mean they must remain
focused on the important features of the learning
Historical contextualization,As way of showing
how and why the ideas and theories come up, in
front of the problematic vision that usually
preside the science education in most cases.
Methodological contextualization, as a way of
influencing not only content like terminal objects,
but also in the forms in which it can generated, as
opposed to the dogmatic vision and common
sense often offered through a finished and
prefabricated science which the student is a mere
recipient and consumer.
It is important take into account that the
attention is a hability, this is why It is essencial
for the develop in the children