- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Los textos en Ingles

Enviado por   •  11 de Julio de 2015  •  Informe  •  475 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  142 Visitas

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1. A) this is lourdes Ruiz, she is of arequipa city, she is 43 years old and your hometown is Vitor. your telephone number is 955874335 and your email address is she is administrator his business, and she does very well. your business is the first of arequipa, in sales

B) this is Ricardo murillo, he is from chile and has 47 years old. Your movie favorite is "the pursuit of happiness ", he likes cars and he has a store cars. your favorite car brand is chevrolet

C) this is Jorge Zuñiga, he is systems engineer, he is from Ilo and has a computers store, his hobby is horse racing, his dream is to travel to Italy and meet the Roman Coliseum.


The office where I work is small, but there is a counter with a coffee that gives a touch of home, in the office there are two desks, one is mine and the other is my boss, there is a computer on every desk is a shelf whereWe store the documntacion. There are stationery, pencils, eraser, scissors, rulers, notebooks. there is a wall where you can post photos of workers. There are large windows and brown curtains.


My routine is the same on weekdays, I get up at 6 am to take a shower and have breakfast, I go to work at 7 am to 3 pm, but at 1 pm I have a break, where I eat, 4:30 pm I get home, I sleep until 5 pm, then review the college class, I eat dinner at 7 pm, at 8 pm I listen tutoring, at 10 pm I bathe, and then sleep.

Saturday I get up at 9 am, I clean my room and wash my clothes, at 1 pm I eat in the evening I am with my mother, father and siblings. I dine at 7pm, and at 10 pm sleep.

Sunday, I go to the pool or beach in summer, or I play football. on this day, I cook for my family, and in the afternoon, I do what I want, what I have pending.


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