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Es un artículo publicado en un periódico financiero online el 1ero de noviembre 2009.

Es una noticia publicada online sobre la reforma china.

Es una carta a los lectores publicada en Beijing en noviembre del año pasado.

Es una noticia publicada en el periódico local de Beijing el 1ero de noviembre 2009.


Es un artículo publicado en un periódico financiero online el 1ero de noviembre 2009.

China’s economic recovery broadens

By Kathrin Hille in Beijing

Published: November 1 2009 14:25 - Last updated: November 1 2009 14:25 China’s manufacturing sector grew last month at the fastest pace (ritmo) since April 2008, according to the country’s official purchasing managers’ index (indice) released on Sunday. Analysts said the survey (estudio, analisis) results confirmed that the country’s economic recovery was broadening (ampliando, expandir) as recovering export demand (expandir exportacion de demanda) consumption joined government stimulus (estimulo, incentivo) as drivers of growth. The China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing said its index rose (ascendio) to 55.2 from 54.3 a month earlier (mes anterior), the eighth straight monthly reading above 50 (la octava consecutiva lectura mensual) , the threshold marking economic growth ( el umbral que marca el crecimiento economico).

The index had dropped to 38.8 last November but moved back (regreso) into positive territory in March this year. The reading for new export orders rose to 54.5 from 53.3 in September, and imports, which had lagged (tuvo disminucion) the overall (general) index in showing recovery, jumped to 52.8 from 50.7 a month earlier. Zhang Liqun, an economist at a think tank (comite de expertos) under (a cargo de)the State Council (consejo de estado) , China’s cabinet (gabinete de China), said the broad (amplia) recovery in demand reflected in these readings (refleja en estas lecturas) was an indication that economic growth would accelerate (era una indicacion de que el crecimiento aceleraria)."The fourth quarter growth rate is likely to be 9.5 per cent (la tasa de crecimiento crecio es probable que sea del 9%). he said. The government has said that gross domestic product (el producto interno bruto) increased by 8.9 per cent in the third quarter (en el tercer trimester) and 7.9 per cent in the second. The survey’s October results (el estudio de los resultados de octubre) looked particularly strong compared with past readings for the same month. "Although (aunque) the official PMI is supposed to be seasonally (estacionalmente) adjusted already, it still exhibits


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