- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Pena de muerte

Enviado por   •  4 de Septiembre de 2015  •  Ensayo  •  810 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  196 Visitas

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In every society there are marginalized, perverse, poorly adapted people and rebels to the system and the laws that humans forged to take the final step towards civilization. These people are the minority, however they put on edge the rest of society with their criminal acts. In some countries, no sooner is the severity of the offense proven than the use of tactics such as torture, mutilation or death penalty are claimed to demonstrate the rest how to behave. Even though it is entirely fair that anyone who violates the established law, damaging the rights of others, should receive a significant penalty, I strongly believe that no one is superior to anyone to take the unfair and cold decision of removing the right to life of a person in such extremist way, forcing him not get a second chance.

First, all those who believe in something superior would consider God's approval of the death penalty as contradictory at least. Yet, there are those in favor of dressing up as God, seizing its exclusive power of deciding about our right to life and being in charge to take away this gift. Besides, one of the ten famous commandments would make us accomplices of sinners? You must not kill…? In the Christian Bible it is written: “God is God of life and not of death, every human being was created in his own image and continues to be even a criminal. He only is the master of life and human justice cannot usurp this attribute” (Christhian Bible. Mateo 5:38-39)

Furthermore, there are certain aberrant acts that merit appropriate penalties to the fact itself. It is life imprisonment and isolation psychological tortures which kill slowly the culprit, transforming it into another victim of the system. According to (Coopersmith, 1959 & Sykes, 1958), the devaluation of the image and low self-esteem, conceived as the assessment that the individual makes and maintains about himself and the increase in the level of anxiety that the prisoners own are psychological effects of a long prisonization, isolation and deprivation of freedom that should be taken as an extra punishment added to the number of years of a conviction.

In addition, taking the life of a person for a mistake he or she made is to remove his or her opportunity for changing, improving, repenting and transcending, as long as the error has been unprecedented in its handbook and far from recidivism. Apart from that, what I consider the main purpose of penance is to reeducate the convict for reintegration into society, though there is a part of politics and of society itself trying to stigmatize prisoners considering irrecoverable. Such are these conservative right thoughts that many people end up inevitably leading to the request for the death penalty, considering it a viable execution tool within the legal arsenal of each country. “At no time is anyone an act of his life, whether holy or horrendous it was. In no


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