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Petronas Twin Towers - Transversal Case - Master en Project Management

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Laura Esmeralda Novoa de Sibrian | Master in Project Management | Nov. 19. 2017

Table of Contents

Project name        4

Project purpose and Justification        4

Timeline        4

Scope description        4

Deliverables        5

Constraints        5

Key stakeholders        6

Project acceptance criteria        6

Assumptions        6

Work breakdown structure (WBS)        6

Work breakdown structure (WBS) dictionary        6

Risk Executive Summary        8

Risk Identification Process        8

Analysis and Evaluation of risk        9

Risk Mitigation        10

Risk Monitory        10

Roles and Responsibilities        11

Risk Register as 19/11/2017        0

Project Scope Statement

Project name

“Petronas Twin Tower Building”

Project purpose and Justification

This project consists of building a skyscraper located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, this building is the first of this type in Malaysia, the main objective is to give to the country a business center integrated by malls, shopping, apartments, mosque and offices in the same place and those building will be the icon of the country, that shows modern and power of a growing economy, also this project will represent the Islamic culture and architecture to all the world.


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Scope description

The twin towers building project was pushing by the prime minister of Malaysia and the idea is to build in a ground located in an old country club a couple of towers that shows to the world the power and modernism of the new emergent economy of Malaysia in order to have the “tallest build in the world”.

Every tower must have a height of 452 mts  and 341,760 m2, they have to include an airlift bridge to connect them each other, 88 floors, every tower have to include pinnacles, 5 floors to parking with capacity of 5,400 cars, 88 elevators, 10 mechanical staircases in each tower and 29 double elevators platform and high speed in each tower.


The deliverables for this project are:

  1. Conclude the building of the two towers, the foundation of those have to be done.
  2. The building has to show to the world the Malaysia/ Islamic architecture in their design
  3. A sky bridge for connect both towers
  4. Towers must be tallest in the world


  • Time: The to complete the project is 6 years
  • Budget: EUR 950 million
  • Design: the building has to include Islamic architecture
  • Construction:
  • The material to use is concrete instead of steel because the cost to import steel is too high.
  • The area in which the towers will be constructions not son firm rock but fragile rock and sediment
  • New construction techniques will be use in that scale, so, any mistake could be a failure.
  • Different companies will be used to construct every tower
  • Environmental factors: bad weather and by culture the work stop when is raining.
  • Other factors:
  • Foreign contractors
  • Language and culture differences
  • Political project

Key stakeholders

  • Project Manager
  • Architect: Cesar Pelli
  • Prime Minister: Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
  • Malaysia Government

Project acceptance criteria

The project will be accepted as long as it compliance with the criteria indicated bellow:

  • Two towers have to include Islamic architecture
  • Twin towers have to be constructed by 2 differents companies
  • Twin towers must be safe taking into account the last events occurred in US (Oklahoma)
  • Twin towers have to be constructed with concrete instead of steel
  • Twin towers have to compliance with safety and environment laws
  • Twin towers have to be an icon of Malaysia culture


  • Financial resources are available when is needed
  • Materials are available when is needed
  • Logistic resources are available when is needed
  • Expertise of the staff is enough to the project
  • The project is feasible regarding to soil report
  • One company will build the two towers
  • Concrete to be used is good and is feasible to use it for the building
  • Weather will not be an issue – it is not in the loop any environmental catastrophe

Work breakdown structure (WBS)

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Work breakdown structure (WBS) dictionary

WBS Code

WBS Element


Initial design

WBS Element Description

Assigned to: Cesar Pelli / Architech

Predecessor: N/A

Successor: 1.2

Description: This activity consists in understand all the stakeholder’s requirements and make an initial design including them

Start date:  -

Finish date: -

Budget: -

WBS Code

WBS Element


Stakeholders feedback

WBS Element Description

Assigned to: Cesar Pelli / Architech

Predecessor: 1.1

Successor: 1.3

Description: Once the initial design was completed, this have to be showed and explained to stakeholders and sponsor to receive feedback and make  the changes as needed.

Start date:  -

Finish date: -

Budget: -


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