- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Que Es El Gerundio

Enviado por   •  28 de Octubre de 2013  •  426 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  388 Visitas

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El presente continuo

tiempo verbal que expresa acciones del presente pero con ciertos matices que lo diferencian del presente simple.

se utiliza para expresar acciones que suceden en el mismo momento en que se está hablando

Para formar el presente continuo se utiliza el verbo auxiliar "to be" y el gerundio (infinitivo + "-ing") del verbo.

Sujeto Auxiliar (to be) Gerundio

I am talking, eating, learning, doing, going...

He, She, It is talking, eating, learning, doing, going...

You, We, They are talking, eating, learning, doing, going...

1. Para referirnos a acciones que se están desarrollando en el mismo momento en el que se habla.

I am reading a book -> Yo estoy leyendo un libro (en este preciso instante)

2. Tambien utilizamos el presente continuo para describir cosas que suceden alrededor del momento al que estamos hablando.

She is studying English -> Ella está esstudiando inglés (no precisamente ahora)

3. Podemos usar el presente continuo para referirnos a acciones que se vienen produciendo con cierta frecuenca.

You are always working -> Estás siempre trabajando (lo hace frecuentemente)

4. Cuando hablamos de una acción del futuro que ya hemos decidido que vamos a desarrollar. En este caso debemos mencionar el tiempo en el que vamos a desarrollar dicha acción.

I am going to Madrid next week -> Voy a Madrid la semana que biene

The Present Continuous

tense that expresses actions of this but with nuances that differentiate this simple.

is used to express actions happening at the same time you are talking

To form the present continuous using the auxiliary verb "to be" and the gerund ( infinitive + "-ing " ) of the verb.

Subject Assistant (to be) Gerund

I am talking , eating , learning, doing , going ...

He, She , It is talking , eating , learning, doing , going ...

You, We , They are talking , eating , learning, doing , going ...

1. To refer to actions that are being developed at the moment in which it is spoken.

I am reading a book - > I 'm reading a book (in this moment )

Two . We also use the present continuous to describe things that happen around the time when we're talking about .

She is studying Inglés - > She is esstudiando English (not right now )

Three . We can use the present continuous to refer to actions that have taken place with some frecuenca .

You are always working - > You are always working ( it does frequently)

April . When we speak of a future action we have already decided that we will develop . In this case we mention the time in which we will develop such action.

I am going to


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