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Ministry of


Appendix F

Log of Teaching Practice for New Teachers

(Optional Form)

Suggestions for Using the Log of Teaching Practice

How is the Log of Teaching Practice used?

The Log of Teaching Practice is an optional resource for principals and/or teachers that may be used as a regularly kept record of demonstrations of teaching. It can provide a vehicle for chronicling noteworthy examples of teaching and learning events as they occur. The log uses a standardized format for recording. Entries are restricted to facts so that data are objective. Analysis and interpretation follow the collection of log data.

How can the Log of Teaching Practice be used in the performance appraisal process for new teachers?

The log can be used to record selected information about specific occurrences related to a new teacher’s learning and development in relation to the eight competencies that are the focus of the appraisal process for new teachers. The log contains specific information recorded over time, which the principal and teacher can use to identify patterns that show areas of strength and growth.

When logs are kept simultaneously by both the principal and the new teacher, these logs together can be used to encourage personal reflection, promote professional dialogue, and foster learning from experience. An individual log form is provided for each of the eight competencies that provide the appraisal focus for new teachers. Principals and teachers may use the blank Log of Teaching Practice form for other competencies if they wish.

Who maintains the Log of Teaching Practice?

Principals and teachers may keep their own individual logs.

What occurrences are relevant for recording in the Log of Teaching Practice?

The occurrences or instances that can be recorded in the log should be relevant to any of the eight competencies that are the focus of the performance appraisal process for new teachers.

Principals and teachers may also choose to keep logs for other competency areas. Concrete examples of ways in which a competency may be observed in practice are included on the log form as a resource. These statements are samples and do not include everything that constitutes good teaching. Their purpose is to help make explicit some of the specific skills, knowledge, and attitudes expected of new teachers. Principals and teachers may use these examples and may identify and use others as well to develop a shared understanding of what teachers should demonstrate in their teaching.

What sources and kinds of evidence are used?

A wide range of possible evidence can be collected in relation to demonstrations of teaching. “Possible Sources of Evidence”, included as a resource at the end of this appendix, provides a list of evidence that principals and teachers might reference in their


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