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Documentos 842.326 - 842.400 de 855.636
jonymonseemmettTodos los niños son diferentes y esto da pie a que cada persona dependiendo el trato y convivencia que lleve con el niño y las experiencias que haya tenido en su infancia comience a generar una idea de como son los niños, la manera de tratarlos y educarlos; esto da
Werever Tu Morro
pepecepedalos que comenzaron con los vídeos fueron gabriel, y ricardo ortiz (el wero) de echo fue por el wero que surgió el canal, pero como no estaba disponible el nombre de "werever" tuvieron que usar el nombre de werevertumorro, uno de los que también comenzo con ellos fue rodrigo lara,
Werever y su mexivlogs
sfsdf062¿Apoco te gusta ese pendejo?» ~ Werever sobre werever. «¿Qué pedo cachorros?» ~ Werever sobre lo que viene antes de la mierda y los cachorros. «Yo no creo en esas mamadas de los horóscopos. Sobre todo cuando el de ese día que te dice que te va ir bien en
Werner Heisenberg
marimedWerner Heisenberg Werner Karl Heisenberg Werner Heisenberg en 1933 Nacimiento 5 de diciembre de 1901 Wurzburgo Fallecimiento 1 de febrero de 1976 (74 años) Múnich Residencia Alemania Nacionalidad Alemán Campo Física Instituciones Universidad de Gotinga(1924) Universidad de Copenhage(1926-27) Universidad de Leipzig(1927-41) Universidad de Berlín(1941) Universidad de St. Andrews(1955-56) Universidad de
Werner Heisenberg "El principio de Incertidumbre".
Benja MuñozC:\Users\jorge\Desktop\insignia.jpg Principio de Incertidumbre de Heisenberg Integrantes: Jorge Vera Benjamín Muñoz Curso: 3°A Asignatura: Mecánica ________________ Índice 1………………………………………………………………………………………………….Introducción 2……………………………………………………………………………....…….Werner Heisenberg 3……………………………………………………Formación del Principio de Incertidumbre 4…………………………............ ¿Por qué se originó el principio de incertidumbre? 5-6……………………………………………………. ¿Qué es el principio de incertidumbre? 7…………………………………………….……. El principio de incertidumbre de Einstein 8…………………………………Enunciado matemático
Werther carta
Diego Gutierrez Cortez4 de mayo de 1771 Werther le escribe a su amigo y le dice que siente alejarse de él. También dice que siente haberle roto el corazón a Leonor, aunque el no tuvo la culpa o quizás sí. Le promete que va a cambiar y le pide que le diga
Westalquito Octubre 2012
josefina07. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre la arquitectura de contenido y la de una webapp?. La arquitectura del contenido se centra en la manera en la que objetos de contenido (o compuestos, como páginas web) se estructuran para la presentación y la navegación. La arquitectura de la webapp se aboca
Para el periodo 2003 el incremento en el gasto operativo es casi el doble del incremento en ventas un 22.7% contra 41.9%. Se debe revisar esa variable para determinar si va en función a las aperturas de nuevas agencias o es un incremento de las que ya se tienen porque
romigunuCASO: WETHERILL ASSOCIATES, INC. En 1978, Wetherill Associates, Inc. (WAI), es un proveedor de partes eléctricas para reconstructores y refabricantes, destacó en una industria que tuvo sus inicios en los depósitos de chatarra de la nación. Para la organización, la Ética de la Acción Correcta estaba fundada en la profunda
Wets arco
paola031TUBERIA EN SECTOR PETROLERO – WEST ARCO En tubería para el sector petrolero su norma de referencia es la estándar API 5L 1104 2013 American petroleum institute; es muy importante el bisel en las uniones el agrietamiento puede ser evitado o reproducido, se caracteriza por el uso de material base
werochidodosMéxico conquistó 17 medallas de Oro, 19 de Plata y 11 de Bronce para ganar el Centroamericano y del Caribe de Atletismo concluido en Morelia, con la ausencia de la mayoría de los grandes campeones de la región. Los mexicanos, que participaron con 94 deportistas, sacaron provecho de las condiciones
Wfwcto De Howthoune
yerck67) La organización y sistemas tiene mucha importancia en el ámbito empresarial porque estudia los procesos administrativos y la estructura organizacional de una empresa. 68) La Administración empresarial es la gestión que desarrolla el talento humano para facilitar las tareas de un grupo de trabajadores dentro de una organización. Con
WH Question
asdasdasdas859841. Why do you want this job? 2. What is your name? 3. When did you see the advertisement? 4. Where do you live? 5. Who gave you my name? 6. Which newspaper did you see the advertisement in? 7. Why are you telling me this? 8. What is the
WH Questions
jenvazqz93 Complete the sentences with the words in the box • WHAT • WHO • WHERE • WHICH • WHEN • WHY • WHOM • HOW • WHOSE 1. __________ were in the car __________ it crashed on the road? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________ did you go? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________ much
sofilaisResumen de Edipo Rey Edipo Rey es una obra de Teatro escrita por Sófocles que narra la historia de Edipo, un desventurado príncipe de Tebas, hijo de Layo y de Yocasta. Poco antes de que Layo y Yocasta se casaran el oráculo de Delfos les advirtió de que el hijo
Sarah Reyes FloresSamanta Sarahí Reyes Flores. 1 “B” TSU Proceos Alimentarios. Inglés. Español Inglés Alcachofa Artichoke Apio Celery Berros Watercress Col Cabbage Nabo Turnip Rábanos Radishes Remolacha Beet Acelga Chard Garbanzos Chick peas Hinojo Fennel Puerro Leek Habas Broad beans Arvejas Peas Zapallito Zucchini Ajo Garlic Berenjena Eggplant Brócoli Broccoli Calabaza Pumpkin
dana2212QUESTION WORDS - WH QUESTIONS WITH DO AND DOES 1.- Change the following sentences to questions beginning with the given question word. They live in Brooklyn. / Where _____________________________________________________________? The lesson begins at 8 o´clock. / What time _____________________________________________________________ ? They get home at 6 o´clock every night. / What
What Are Confidence Intervals And P-values?
tatanr20Article Jonathan Rodriguez Castillo What are confidence intervals and p-values? Introducing The answer to the question posed by the title is clear: it is not only possible to know the statistical significance of a result, but also allow us to evaluate the clinical significance, its practical importance. Possibly for this
What are the characteristics of a social entrepreneur?
BEBO1605What are the characteristics of a social entrepreneur? The social entrepreneur is a mission-driven individual who uses a set of entrepreneurial behaviors to deliver a social value to the less privileged, all through an entrepreneurially oriented entity that is financially independent, self-sufficient, or sustainable. This definition combines characteristics that make
What are the costs of China´s currency Policy?
Sharon MéndezTheme: What are the costs of China´s currency Policy? When China was in crisis, the government decided to inject dollars into the economy through credit, increased the monetary base and government spending. This was part of their stimulus plan that allowed facing the complications involved in global economy due to
What Are The Key Arguments For And Against Managing Resistance To Change?
PaolaHernandezCWhat are the key arguments for and against managing resistance to change? This essay will analyse whether employees in the United Kingdom are or not ready to face new proposed changes within their organisation and whether these changes make them resist to the unknown. Resistance to change is when employees
What are the primary business risks associated with UST Inc.?
marviqs9111. What are the primary business risks associated with UST Inc.? What are the attributes of UST Inc.? Evaluate from the viewpoint of credit analyst or bond holder. UST Inc. is a smokeless tobacco company with a long tradition and a recognizable brand name. A strong brand name can have
What are the symptoms of alcoholism
GABYLLANOSALCOHOL An alcoholic is a man or a woman who suffers from alcoholism - they have a distinct physical desire to consume alcohol beyond their capacity to control it, regardless of all rules of common sense. Definition - an alcoholic is a person, while alcoholism is the illness. An alcoholic
What Can Bees Teach Us About Gang Warfare
julitoXDEvolution is the gradual change in a species' genetic make-up that allows it to adapt to its surroundings better than others. But humans still have some features of our wildlife? Well What Can Bees Teach Us about Gang Warfare? Show us a typical behavior of wildlife applied in the real
What Da Faq
qqwtflas palabras de estudiosos, expertos, organizaciones de probada credibilidad que manifiestan una opinión semejante a la que estamos defendiendo ARGUMENTO DE CONOCIMIENTO GENERAL Se defiende una idea que es ampliamente aceptada por nuestra sociedad (suponiendo con esto que la mayoría no se equivoca lo que lleva en muchos casos a
What Did You Do On Your Last Vacation?
maxi.deozFue fundada el año 2009 y tiene como misión ofrecer equipamiento y elementos orientados a la prevención y combate de incendios al mercado de la construcción y de la industria inmobiliaria, utilizando sinergia en conocimiento y experiencia para un negocio exitoso, profesional y orientado a cumplir los requerimientos específicos de
What did you learn?
gretchenmWhat did you learn? Explanation Electronic address and name of website Concepts: • Chronic Stress • Stress tolerance level • Stress management • Stress that happens over a long period of time. When stress becomes chronic, it can damage the body and the mind. • The ability to know your
What Do Educational Leaders in The Complementary Setting Need in The 21st Century?
adangrausWhat Do Educational Leaders in The Complementary Setting Need in The 21st Century? Beyond curriculum, beyond programs, beyond mission and vision statements, stands the outstanding educator. These individuals, and the cadre they represent, matter more than anything else to the flourishing of complementary education. (Dr. Sarah Tauber) ———————– [ReFrame, an
What Do We Use The Simple Past Tense Of The Verb To Be For? (was-were)
luis_erickWhat do we use the simple past tense of the verb to be for? (was-were) ¿Para que usamos el pasado simple del verbo to be? Cuando hablamos del pasado simple, se usa para describir una acción, evento o condición que ocurre en el pasado antes del momento de hablar o
SARAIOOOSESSION 1. WHAT DO YOU DO? ( ¿QUÉ HACES? / ¿A QUÉ TE DEDICAS? ) Por si tuvierais dificultades con este texto, he entresacado los puntos más importantes del mismo, tanto léxicos como gramaticales. Espero con ello facilitaros su comprensión. Es importante que lo escuchéis cuantas más veces mejor y
What Does Autism Mean?
lagaceladediosWhat Does Autism Mean? People usually call it autism, but the official name is autism spectrum disorders. Why? Because doctors include autism in a group of problems that kids can have, including Asperger syndrome and others. Autism occurs when the brain develops differently and do not give meaning to the
What Dreams Are Made Of
LALA7124Hey now, hey now Hey now, hey now Have you ever seen such a beautiful night I could almost kiss the stars for shining So bright Then i see your smile and i go oh oh oh I would never want to miss this Cuz in my heart I know
What Dreams May Come
sokomooFICHA TÉCNICA What Dreams May Come (EEUU, 1998). D.: Vicent Ward. G.: Ronald Bass basada en la novela de Richard Matheson. P.:Barnet Bain y Stephen Deustsch. F.:Eduardo Serra. M.: Michael Kamen. Mo.: David Brenner y Maysie Hoy. I.: Robin Williams (Chris Nielsen), Cuba Gooding Jr. (Albert Lewis), Annabella Sciorra (Annie
Arkadiia00WHAT GOVERNANCE SYSTEM FACILITATES SUSTAINABLE AND INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT? In my opinion, democracy is the governance system that facilitates sustainable and inclusive development. But before to start, we need to know what exactly it is. The word democracy comes from two of Greek’s words: “Demos, that means people; and Kratos, that
Minerva01Hello My name is Melissa Cerón, I am 23 years old and I was born in the beautiful city of Bogotá. I remember my childhood with a lot of love, since I was surrounded by a lot of love and love from my family. My mom was unconditional due to
What I Am Going To Study
cindyyamileeIn this essay I’ll talk about the career that I will choose in a future. my plans are study the career pilot aviation but first of all I have to finish this year of high school I have and that way I can study the career in the military my
What I Should Have Done
deftonam not sure. I think that my life has been pretty happy so far. God has given to me all the things I have needed and wanted; besides I guess that I am not a fussy person. I am not into material things.... I would have loved living in the
What if humans could fly?
sebastianpg1409What if humans could fly? Chapter 01: There was a state factory of radioactive weapons, and it was coming well it was the best of the factory because they produced high quality products and they were cheap. It was very big, organized; all the walls were made up of aluminum.
What If, Hazop
eruaroooEVALUACION DE RIESGOS La evaluación de los riesgos laborales es el proceso dirigido a estimar la magnitud de aquellos riesgos que no hayan podido evitarse, obteniendo la información necesaria para que el empresario esté en condiciones de tomar una decisión apropiada sobre la necesidad de adoptar medidas preventivas y, en
What If? -UPS
joseph_bautistaLos inicios de la empresa UPS, la mayor empresa de distribución de paquetes del mundo y proveedor global líder de transporte especializado y de servicios de logística, se remonta a finales del siglo XIX con un niño, inquieto y con ansias de ganar dinero para beneficio personal, llamado James E.
What is a customer in the Supply Logistics Chain?
Max321. What is a customer in the Supply Logistics Chain? A customer in the supply logistics Chain is a person or organization that has needs and expectations which must be satisfied; a costumer not only desires goods and services but also desires a sustaining relationship with a consistent quality, delivery
What is a value?
fernanda11ALEMAN ARELLANO ANA FERNANDA GROUP: 2”A” ENERGY HOMEWORK 1 * What is a value? Is a important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members if a culture about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable. The values have major influence on person’s behavior and attitude and
What Is Bipolar Disorder
jesnecBueno este artículo nos explica lo que es un desorden de Bipolaridad, como afectan estos trastornos a las personas que lo padecen junto con las personas a su alrededor, además de esto nos muestra algunos síntomas que se manifiestan durante los ciclos de depresión. También nos menciona lo que piensan
What Is China In A Chilean's Perspective
Marianita_ntroduction: T he success of China is not only recent. In fact, Chinese people know how to recognize its main achievements in the history, something that could be observed, for example in the inauguration of Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, or in the Expo Shanghai, in 2010. A ccording to
What Is Culture
kenia2209Culture refers to the beliefs, ideas, traditions and behaviors portrayed by certain communities and are passed from one generation to the other. Cultural diversity involves the changes that have taken place comparing what was deeply rooted in culture in ancient times and how it has been changing with time. Psychological
What is duplication and why is it important in communication.
Melqui78What is duplication and why is it important in communication? Communication is essential for everything in life. In each exchange of idea, take place the transmitter and the receiver. Duplication is factor of communication, which is the ability to response with understanding to the transmitter with intention, who is sending
What Is Operation Management?
HeroOfHW04Operation Management Operations management refers to the administration of business practices to create the highest level of efficiency possible within an organization. It helps a lot when you have to choose the best way in which every single part in the elaboration of goods or in the creation of services
gcamachoaWHAT IS SCANNING AND SKIMMING Scanning5 The technique of scanning is a useful one to use if you want to get an overview of the text you are reading as a whole – its shape, the focus of each section, the topics or key issues that are dealt with, and
What Is Strategy
baliferrerlWhat is Strategy? The idea in Brief. El problema es entender el término estrategia sólo como “Eficiencia operacional” (Operational Effectiveness) de la compañia. El término va más alla, y es que si sólo hablaramos de eficiencia de las operaciones, sería muy fácil de imitar por la competencia. Nace entonces el
What Is Strategy?
pablomgtzEstrategia es la creación de una posición única y valiosa en la cual están involucradas un conjunto de actividades. De esta forma se crea una ventaja competitiva significa que hay que ejecutar estas actividades mejor que los demás para lograr y mantener esta ventaja ante la competencia. Mientras los administradores
What Is The Most Important In Learning English
marypopis1. Leave English behind. During the 20 hours per week that masters and apprentices will be working together (or however many hours you commit yourselves to), aim for communicating only in your language; try not to use English at all. At first there will be difficulties because the apprentice will
What is the project about and how is the project materialized
Macarena Vel FerMACARENA VELA FERNÁNDEZ A01675433 MILESTONE 1 1. What is the project about and how is the project materialized The project I want to launch is based on the educational area; it is called “Educación para todos”. The main aim is to provide education to the jungle community as they do
What is the Right Supply Chain for Your Product?Para mejorar el rendimiento de la cadena de suministro
mmendez0303What is the Right Supply Chain for Your Product? Para mejorar el rendimiento de la cadena de suministro se utiliza tanto la tecnología de punta como la capacidad intelectual pero a pesar de ello el rendimiento de muchas cadenas de suministro nunca ha sido peor, los costos han aumentado debido
ASDFGHKJKMY PROJECT IS RESTAURANT GROUP: 603 MATTER: ENGLISH Resultado de imagen para les restaurants WHAT KIND OF BUSINNESS ARE YOU GONIG TODO-MAKE? the type of business you want to have is a serious frences the RESTAURANT you that French because I like French cuisine family restaurant and I want to
What Kind Of Dressing Style Which You Use At An Amusement Park Or A Picnic?
janettevaldezEach person has their own style of dress, although is very important to use what is appropriate for certain occasions. The type of clothing that I use particularly when I’m going to the park for a picnic are tree that I like mixing functional, fashionable and chic, to make a
What Makes A Leader
andreacarmona7What makes a leader? Summary There are many distinguishing which makes a leader. David Goleman describes important characteristics that describe him. Also He mentions that there are more than intelligence skills and cognitive abilities in the leadership, for that reason he give us another characteristics which a leader should have,
What makes someone want to be in a photograph?
Rowenn KalmanResponsible Photography and the Andes What makes someone want to be in a photograph? Not everyone wants to be photographed all of the time, no matter what culture they are from. But how can tourists be considerate when photographing strangers in another country, while still capturing the images they desire?
What Matters Most To You, And Why?
josedricoaWhat matters most to you, and why? When I first read the title of the assay that I am about to write, It seemed a little bit confusing to me. There are so many things in life that matters most to me: my family, my friends, love, money, football, my
What Speakers Do
sayurifloresWhat Speakers Do Speaking involves both a command of certain skills and several different kinds of knowledge. Speaking is so much a part of daily life that we take it for granted; it is also so natural and integral to forget how we once struggled to achieve it until we
What The Bleep Do We Know?
jeimmy27Este documental nos habla que la realidad no siempre es como la vemos, imaginamos o sentimos, si no que por el contrario cada ser humano la construye en base a su ambiente y a su forma de ver el mundo. Esto se debe a que como sabemos cada persona desde
What Theme Or Themes Are Explored In The Servant? Your Arguments Should Be Supported By Evidence From One Or Two Scenes From The Film As Well As From Secondary Source Material.
ZirtaWhat theme or themes are explored in The Servant? Your arguments should be supported by evidence from one or two scenes from the film as well as from secondary source material. The Servant tells the story of an intriguer and manipulating butler who achieves to domain his boss’ life, taking
What to do in case of a natural disaster
gustavoqwEscuela Técnica 52 “Juan Rulfo” Code: 13DST0053R Name of students: Salvador Magaña Vargas INGLES Teacher’s name: Eustaquio 2°B Term: 2013 - 2014 WHAT IS GLOBAL WARMING? Earth's climate is mostly influenced by the first 6 miles or so of the atmosphere which contains most of the matter making up the
Pokiz2Informacio de la empresa En 1948 se fundó el Grupo San Fernando, iniciado como un negocio familiar dedicado a la crianza de patos. La producción se inició con un lote de 35 patas madres reproductoras. En 1963 se inicia la crianza de pollos parrilleros y, en 1971, la crianza y
What women want. LO QUE ELLAS QUIEREN.
WaldoVoWhat Women Want LO QUE ELLAS QUIEREN. País: Estados Unidos Año: 2000 Género Comedia Romántica Duración: 120 min Protagonistas: Mel Gibson, Helen Hunt. Siendo un exitoso publicista con una gran gama de trabajos realizados. El carisma y la coquetería lo caracterizan, creyendo así que el mundo lo ve con los
What would you do if you were a millonaire
ANGELESSMWHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE A MILLONAIRE? If I were a millionaire, I would create a NGO that takes care of abandoned animals, I would create a center of psychological rehabilitation where all the persons with some disorder that they have suffered a crisis could lodge. I would
What You Need To Know For Consonants
karensytasuarezWhat You Need To Know For Consonants 1 . Place of Articulation This refers to where the sound is produced. BILABIAL, LABIODENTAL, DENTAL/INTERDENTAL, ALVEOLAR, PALATAL, VELAR, GLOTTAL. 2 . Manner of Articulation This refers to how the sound is made. Obstruent s (sounds made with a high degree of air
MARISHHKAAWhat Is An Adjective? An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying words. An adjective usually precedes the noun or the pronoun which it modifies. In the following examples, the highlighted words are adjectives: The truck-shaped balloon floated over the treetops. Mrs. Morrison papered her
What's in a cigarette?
joeiWhat’s in a cigarette? What’s in a puff? Tobacco smoke contains about 4,000 chemicals. Some of which are harmful, others deadly. Here are three of the deadliest. Tar Tar, a mixture of chemicals such as formaldehyde, arsenic and cyanide, can cause serious lung diseases. Seventy percent of the tar from
Whats Up En Mi Pc
leopoldoacostaexiste un programa o Emulador llamado YouWave,este es un emulador virtual del sistema operativo Android con el cual puedes utilizar y descargar a tu PC muchas de las aplicaciones diseñadas para este OS en tu Ordenador, El gran problema a la hora de utilizar WhatsApp desde el PC es que
WhatsApp Ha Logrado Acabar Con 28 Millones De Relaciones Sentimentales
camamoma29Utilizar WhatsApp aunque tiene ventajas obvias como por ejemplo que es rápido, simple y gratis, también tiene puede suscitar algunos líos. Un efecto negativo de eta aplicación puede ser la ruptura de las relaciones sentimentales debido al fenómeno llamado el 'síndrome del doble check'. Un reciente informe de la revista
When And Whenever
pablooo91Name: Student’s number: Course tittle: English VII Teacher’s name: Module: 2- How we comunicate Activity: 8- Changing times Date: October 24th of 2013. Bibliography: Objective: Learn about the use of where, when, wherever and whenever in a conversation and identify the circumstances where they're not fully required and can be
When Is Liyin Is Ok?
patyrojan1When is lying ok? I believe that lying is not acceptable.First of all, you can hurt someones feelings on purpose. Second, the lie can grow very much and can become a very big deal. Over all, lying is bad for your mentao education. First of all, you can hurt someone's
When making
Ubicación de la Planta Cesar Lolo Aranibar Urquizo Programa Profesional de Ingeniería Industrial cesar_aranibar@hotmail.com ABSTRACT When making a project of an industrial plant ( company ), the location will be one of the most important factors that will determine whether the future of the plant will be the success or
carlito654República Bolivariana de Venezuela Ministerio Del Poder Popular Para La Educación Superior Universidad Rafael Urdaneta Realizado por: Jonathan Chourio. 19138554 Maracaibo, Julio del 2008 Esquema A.- Derivadas: 1.- Teorema De Taylor. 2.- Diferenciación Numérica. 2.1.- Aproximación a la primera derivada con diferencia hacia atrás. 2.2.- Aproximación a la primera derivada
Which is Which
AguicheaterWhich is which? 1. - IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) is a non-governmental organization. - WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) is a non-governmental organization. - Greenpeace is a non-governmental organization. - UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) is also a non-governmental organization. It’s discussable the fact that all