- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales

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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León  [pic 4][pic 5][pic 6][pic 7]

Facultad de Ciencias Políticas

y Relaciones Internacionales      


Unidad de Aprendizaje:



Néstor Aguirre Sotelo


Carlos Rodríguez Pérez          1797593

Aula: 009

                                                        Grupo: B09

Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales, Praga y Trieste s/n Col. Residencial Las Torres, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México. A 10 de Noviembre, 2017

Refugee Crisis


We can speculate 15% percentage of Syria population has left their home because of war. (Jose Abu-Tarbush, 2013)

Right now, there are a lot of nations with problems of migration more than ever was in anytime of history. This brings a lot of negative aspects for example we have traffic, smuggling, and social unhappiness. Those are the main reasons for the conflict on Europe since residents say all delinquency started upon their arrival making racism prevalent on all of them for a few problematic instances.

All of this reveals a problem that has been around decades but now is more evident, the slowly progressive retire of the European countries compromises on convention of Geneva 1951. (Didier Fassin, 2015)

Context for conflict

In March 2011 Pro-democracy protests began in the southern city of Deraa after the arrest and torture of plenty of teenagers who painted revolutionary slogans on a school wall. Thus, made the protesters protest even harder demanding freedom of Bashar al-Assad who had been on power for nearly 50 years, in this events no one knows who begins the violence but it ended on hundreds of injured and 15 deaths. (Scott Shane, 2011)

Eventually oppositions to the regime began to take up arms, first to defend themselves and later to take out the thrash from their local areas.

Civil War

Violence only gets more violence, rebel brigades fought the government forces for control of cities, towns and the countryside. The fight reached the capital and by June of 2013, stated by the UN 90,000 people had been killed in the conflict. (MEMMOTT, 2013)

The conflict became even more complicated with even more participants from regional to world powers, and to emphasis on the jihadist group Islamic State (IS) war crimes have been committed that is no surprise but the Islamic State its publicizing it, waging a campaign of terror with death as punishment for those who refuse their rules, hundreds of thousands of executions and amputations. They have carried out the death of rival armed groups, religious minorities and beheaded hostages.

All this action have caused global outrage making the US-led coalition launch an air strike inside Syria to utterly destroy IS followed by another air strike this time led by the french, didn´t quite archive what they were after but it influenced Russia into the conflict making them target terrorists. This actions do not go unpunished ISIS claimed responsibility for the terror attacks in Paris in November 2015 and the suicide bombings in Brussels in March 2016. (Foster, 2016)

Humanitarian Crisis

At least 4.5 million people have fled Syria, reaching Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey countries, which have struggled to cope with the biggest migration known to mankind. Only 10% of migrants have fled to Europe, and those countries argue over sharing the burden. (Lucy Rodgers, 2016)

The UN requests 3.2bn dollars to help the 13.5 million people who require humanitarian assistance in Syria in 2016. 70% of the people has no ways to obtain water, and a third of the population can’t get basic food needs, four out of five people live in poverty. (Lucy Rodgers, 2016)

Europe Actions

The EU meddled for a series of actions, to resolve the cause of such massive migration, increase the help for the damned in and out of Europe. Also the EU its upgrading their security system on frontiers and its fighting the human traffic, offering safe ways to reach Europe legally.

A lot of vulnerable people go to EU in search of asylum. According to the Geneva 1951 agreement they signed they must grant protection to the people fleeing from their country to which they can’t go back for a fear of persecution. The member states are responsible in the examination of the request of asylum and to decide who can and who cannot receive the protection. Not all people who reach Europe its in search of protection, a lot of people leaved their home nation in search of a better life. This is also known as economic migration and if their request of asylum is rejected the correspondent country is obligated to take them back to their respective countries or any other country they have crossed to reach Europe. (IOM International Organization for Migration)


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