Interaction between teachers, students, family
Enviado por Pocketsitaa • 22 de Febrero de 2014 • 756 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 444 Visitas
Teenagers as children need of a secure family life, the environment in which to find the stability that will lead to maturity, disoriented by its internal contradictions, enthusiastically seeking affection and address where they can understand what is happening.
It is normal for young people to begin to think for themselves and question aspects of their lives and of family relationships. These changes may mean times of anger and frustration that is difficult for the family, but in many circumstances these feelings are likely to be temporary or circumstantial.
Talking about me, my parents were friends to me; they are preoccupied of my behavior all the time. We tried to take a good communication and if I made a mistake in classes or out of my home they tried to talk to me and together find the best way to fixed the things.
The family is central to understanding many of the actions of the children and not just because the family is the first link of education, but also because attitudes will restate that it has seen the effects that can arise when the family does not there are decisive for the formation of the adolescent.
My parents give to me the best education that I can have also give to me the option that I choose the career that I want, even if this wasn’t that they like.
Parents will benefit from being supported to understand the role of rebellion in young people's development. Limit setting still needs to occur for poor or unacceptable behavior. Many young people who display difficult behavior are actually doing so in an attempt to have someone set some boundaries and limits.
The interaction between teachers, students, family is a system with a lot of tools to understand how it works, we act from our area to play in the classroom is not the same attitudes or behaviors that help youth grow up healthy.
In all my adolescents years met a lot of people good and influence to me, teachers that I hated and now I try to not be like them. Friends to help to me and also who make that I choose bad decisions.
Families often declare that they do not feel safe in the difficult role that now demand the education of their children, many parents say they do not know the keys to improve relations with them, so we should start working together for the good of the adolescent, and make him feel that security is not inside and sometimes you're looking the wrong way.
The relationship of a father and the role of a young career is still important, but the relationship must be flexible to adapt to the changing needs of the adolescent. At this time, there will have to be a gradual change from a more authoritative approach, to a more collaborative approach.
Parents have to face reality (sometimes hard) that your child is no longer a child is becoming independent and no longer under his control. They may feel anxious, as they perceive that the youth will not listen to them, or