My special place
Enviado por Ethel Casique • 25 de Mayo de 2023 • Ensayo • 580 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 50 Visitas
In most cases, Grandpa’s house in Tambogrande has always been one of my favorite places. Grandpa's house has always held a special place in everyone's heart. Likewise, when I was younger, until my early teens, I spent several summers with my grandfather. Her house seemed to have something unique that set it apart from the others. It's the little details that make Grandpa's house so dear to everyone's hearts. My favorite city is Piura- Tambogrande for its relaxing places and varied climate.
First of all, Tambogrande is a small and relaxing place, this is what probably won my love. this place is not very crowded, unlike the capital where there are many shopping malls, and stores I used to go to, Tambogrande is where my grandfather grew up and where he has a house, he often helped my grandfather to take care of the house from the heavy rains, There are many reasons why this place is so important to me. There is something very special about that little village. I feel at ease and relaxed there. We also forget our problems when we are there. I still remember the neighbors and their warm smiles, all very friendly. My grandfather used to take me to a beach near there, where the sand was very soft and light, walking on it felt very relaxing, also the water was clean and warm, in the evenings only a few people go there and it is peaceful to sit and watch the waves, Definitely, the place and the moments we experience play an important role in our well being.
Also, the weather in Tambogrande is perfect in its own way. First, the day and night are very hot, when I woke up every morning I felt the sun’s rays hitting my face, I felt very hot and the first thing I did was to go to take a bath, I could not stay without taking a bath or wet my face, but the breeze was refreshing, it almost always rains very hard, when the clouds turned black I knew the rain was coming, that was my favorite part of the day, in Lima I can not experience that feeling of having many raindrops falling at the same time. the rain usually lasted a long time and I liked to listen to the sound of the drops falling on the roof, after a quiet night of rain, the next day I woke up fresh and did not feel hot, it is true that sometimes there are many risks because the rivers or streams grow a lot but it is part of nature. it is easy to see how we can find the good side of the weather.
Finally, I look the window, and I start to think of when I was still 9 years old. Everything has changed so much, it’s nice to have a favorite place where you may create great memories. I remember when I went for the first time, everything seemed strange but very nice, then I got used to this place, I started to relate more to the weather, I found a place where I could relax and be safe, I met many neighbors, the rain was what excited me the most but above all the company of my grandfather, I hope to return there for my next vacation, finding a place where you feel comfortable is not difficult, you just need to let your feelings out and enjoy life.