My Testimony
Enviado por ahuluis • 19 de Marzo de 2013 • 389 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 189 Visitas
I was on the computer while listening to music, but suddenly started seeing moving the lamp and the first thing that austerity is was telling my family what was going on, but it would also run the risk that something happened to me obtained for shouting so that if the event had not realized we were scared and the street and saw the streetlights as they moved, but was uglier every step in the night and everything without thinking after this earthquake tremor began fail due to a light pole fell we were without power for a long time, however, I prefer to go light in which something happens to my family. The next day all very shocked by what happened that even a little scared as I heard on the news that there was a possibility that another earthquake everyone said that would not happen in this city, but Steve is not sure why San Andreas Fault in California is so we can cheat and shake again, after 2 days after quake'm comvencido not happen again in a very long time, but listen to the news and hear me shudder in Chile too scared, but I reassure my mother, then I started reading and this was the information I found in the earthquake: The earthquake is a vibration caused by a sudden slip of rock blocks on failure. The vibration generated by the land extends in all directions in the form of elastic waves or seismic waves. The point within the earth where an earthquake originates is called the hypocenter or focus, and the Earth's surface directly above the focus, epicenter. Usually near the epicenter where the highest intensity of the earthquake. The depth to which is the focus of an earthquake varies from a few kilometers to over 650 kilometers.
The distance between the epicenter of an earthquake and the observation point is known as the distance to the epicenter. For earthquakes near the recording station distance is measured in kilometers. For distant epicenters distance is measured in degrees. According to the distance, the tremors are classified as local earthquakes (up to 100 km), regional earthquakes (up to 1000 km), or teleseismic (over 1000 km).
For the depth at which they originate, the tremors are classified as shallow earthquakes (0-60 km), intermediate (61-300 km) or deep (301-650 km).