- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Preventing Cyber Warfare - Turkey Position

Enviado por   •  23 de Abril de 2013  •  313 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  417 Visitas

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Disarmament Committee

Topic: Preventing Cyber Warfare .

Country: Turkey

The Eurasian nation that Turkey believes that every nation has the right to have a source of protection on the internet against cyber hackers, it is necessary because of the risk of Cyber Warfare. This protection is sometimes a cyber army, this is a group of expert hackers that protect their nation´s security system that contains highly classified security information. In the month of January 2012 Turkish official cyber army warned about a possible cyber war that would violate the integrity and security of the nation, (Cyber War News, March 13, 2013).

Turkey is willing to defend its beliefs and rights, it would take a combined approach that will provide cyber defense for business as well as for the government and armed forces (Reed, March 19, 2013). These decisions were taken after the attack against Iran's Nuclear programs in 2010 (Morrow, March 19, 2013). Turkey followed United States of America's example by recognizing that threats in cyber space are constantly growing, that is why Turkeyis preparing to take some important steps just for protection. Turkey joined the National Cyber Security Coordination. The National Cyber Security Corrdination's primary goal is to establish a defense against cyber attacks.(Reed, March 19, 2013)

The Republic of Turkey strongly believes that serious responses should incur against nations that hack into other nation’s defense and security systems and the act of espionage of any type. Even thought Turkey is against any type of hacking, it is willing to do whatever is necessary to protect its nation interests. This is due to the fact that many nations have already developed ways of using cyber warfare as a platform to attack. The Delegation of Turkey suggest other nations to do what is necessary to prevent any type violation against a nation's security, and/or sabotage or espionage to national defense and security systems throughout the world.


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