- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

An Unusu-whale Relationship: Pip & Captain Ahab

Enviado por   •  5 de Junio de 2018  •  Apuntes  •  588 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  383 Visitas

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A.P. U.S. History – Assignments, Spring 2018:

Week of April 9:

Due on April 10 – from old assignment sheet, be caught up to (including) assignment 85.

Due on April 11 (4th) and April 12 (5th) -- #86: Cold War at Home, McCarthyism

D. 761-766, 767-769, Z: 430t-436b

                                               Hub article on McCarthyism

Due on April 13-- #87: Ike and the 50:

                          D: 772-786

Week of April 16:

Due on April 16: #88. Civil Rights:  D 801-812, Z: 448m-452m, Hub: Defense of Segregation #73A,  

                                      Brown v Board #73B, Malcom X Autobiography #73F (You can skim this document.  When you have time, I really recommend the entire book!)

Due on April 17:  Rough Draft of research paper due.

Due on April 18 (4th) and April 19 (5th):  #89. New Frontier and Great Society: 

D 791-793(to “Kennedy’s Cold War”), 813-818 (to “Counterculture”), 827,  Hub:  Other America #74

Due on April 20  #90.  Foreign Policy--Ike and JFK:  D 786-791, 793-796,  Z 436b-442


Week of April 23:

On April 23, test on assignments 80-90

Due on April 24:  # 91. Vietnam: D 829-838 (to “Nixon Era”),

                                Hub: Early Vietnam (75A), Vietnam and LBJ (76A)

Due on April 25 (4th) and April 26 (5th) :  #92: Sex, Drugs, and “Rock n Roll”, and then some…D 818-824,

                                        840-849 (to “Pragmatic Conservatism”)

Due on April 27:   Research Paper due, at beginning of class.

Week of April 30:

Due on May 1: # 93:  Nixon! D 838-840, 849-853

Due on May 2:  #94: More Nixon!!   (You’re welcome!)  Hub:  Watergate #78, Vietnam and Nixon #77A

Due on May 3 (4th) and May 4 (5th):  #95:  Late 1970s, early 1980s: D 861-875


No homework during the two weeks of A.P. exams.

Week of May 21:

Due on May 21: D: 875-886

Due on May 22: Documents on Reagan, 80B, 80C,80D

Due on May 23: D: 891-901

Due on May 24 (4th) or May 25 (5th): Documents on Hub on Clinton

Week of May 29:

Due on May 29: D: 901-916

Due on May 30: Documents on Hub on Obama


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