Enviado por Tomas Mendez • 6 de Octubre de 2015 • Documentos de Investigación • 1.100 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 133 Visitas
Manuela Diaz Perez
Prof. Golden
Fundamentals Of Exporting
Final Project
June, 22th 2015
Description of the Business
Mango cultivation is has great economic importance and office in the Dominican fruit growing, taking extraordinary boom in recent years, with the establishment of new plantations character commercial. Generated the same currency in 2005 worth US $ 3.06 Million, contributing in turn to increased employment generation direct and indirect in the Dominican countryside. Also, the balance handle commercial showed an average annual surplus during period 2001-2005 of US $ 1.91 million.
The export fresh mangoes are packed in cartons fiberboard, in which each fruit is wrapped in tissue paper and wrapped in synthetic fiber insulation or felt. Some companies offers these types of fruits. In this case, the enterprise that my company would use to transport the mangoes would be CaribEx Dominicana because they have the experience exporting these fruit. Also, my company is on a free trade zone. That would be easier to do the exportation.
Product Line Plan:
Define, present and qualify your product
The common name of this fruit is mango and the scientific name Manguifera. It belongs to the family and is a tree Anacardiaceae robust and tolerant to adverse conditions; It is native to southern Asia.The handle is an evergreen and broad-thick glass that can reach a height of 25-30 meters. The leaves are lanceolate, about 25 cm. long and green dark.
The mango fruit is fleshy fiber. The oval shape is commonly and can be round or very long. The skin is soft, waxy, and surrounds the edible part, which is yellow when ripe.The size, shape and other characteristics of the fruit varies depending on the choice. The size ranges from 5 to 25 cm. long, and weight varies from 50 gr. to more than 2 kg. The color is green, yellow or red, this being
a very important feature for markets such as the United States.
Although the fruit could ripen on the tree, normally harvested while still firm and physiologically mature (full) if they Intelligence intended for export. Fruit ripening from May to October, depending on the variety, occurring alone or in pots.
The main organized plantations are located in the eastern region in the provinces of La Altagracia, Hato Mayor and La Romana and in the area southern Peravia province, also in the northwest region Valverde province.
In the Northwest region as many plants are concentrated wild mangoes, mainly in the communities of Dajabon, Loma Cabrera, San Jose de las Matas, Villa González and Villa Bisonó. Also, there are wild plants in Puerto Plata, Altamira and the Mamey; in National District in the area of Villa Mella; also in Bani and Barahona.
Sales/ Marketing Plan:
Product, Price,Place and Promotion.
Mangoes main importer is the United States, entering his consumer market for 34% of total volume traded in the world, which corresponded.
World trade in Mango has presented a very dynamic during the decade between 1994 and 2003, with growth rates of 10.3% in the volume of imports and 6.5% in value.
The mango fruit is fleshy fiber . The oval shape is commonly and can be round or very long . The skin is soft, waxy , and surrounds the edible part , which is yellow when ripe .
The size, shape and other characteristics of the fruit varies depending on the variety . The size ranges from 5 to 25 cm . long, and weight varies from 50 gr . to more than 2 kg . The color is green , yellow or red , this being a very important feature for markets such as the United States .
Mango prices depend on the countries in which sells, so they tend to vary with market proximity and other conditions exist for both high fluctuation between different destinations. Prices in this segment in the markets worldwide for 2005 ranged from US $ 1273.67 per ton.
Mango exports made by Central America, the largest export volume is up to Costa Rica, a country that has international trade increased significantly from Mango 2004, then followed by Guatemala, which has maintained levels constant sales in foreign markets, in recent years. However, with regard to the countries of the Caribbean is the largest exporter Haiti, followed by the Dominican Republic and Jamaica lesser extent.
That’s why, our company wants to start exporting more this product, because we now that Dominican Republic has the potential and the sources to produce more mangoes and export this fruit as well.
To promote mangoes sales, we can start by saying the proprieties that a mango has. Also, we can implement some apps and a webpage for “mango lovers” that you can see were we sell our products. I mean , the products from the Dominican Republic. Also, explain to the people the handle products that people would do with mangoes. Print some recipe with mangoes to the people do.