Bloque 1: cada acción tiene consecuencias & bloque 2: entonces y ahora
Enviado por lealleal201194 • 10 de Enero de 2015 • Trabajo • 1.813 Palabras (8 Páginas) • 285 Visitas
ACTIVITY 1: Unit 1: Every action has consequences & Unit 2: Then and now
Competencias disciplinares Unidad 1
*Recognizes and uses the conditional type 0 and conditional type 1 to interpret and describe facts and situations, present and future, of cause-effect in different contexts, orally and written.
*Identifies, organizes and interprets explicit and implicit concepts, data and ideas in a text, written or orally, considering the context in which they were created and received.
*Identifies and interprets the main idea in a written or orally text or dialogue to express a brief message, orally and written, using background knowledge, non verbal elements and context.
*Identifies and uses the vocabulary related to water, space, environmental problems, weather, animals/habitat to interpret and express cause-effect situations.
*Interprets, writes and practices logic thinking in short texts showing creativity in redaction and using grammar and vocabulary correctly.
*Uses the information and communication technologies to research specific information, produce materials and transmit information.
Competencias disciplinares Unidad 2
*Recognizes and uses the grammar structures of simple past, simple present, used to, possessives, -ed/-ing adjectives and quantifiers to interpret and describe facts and situations, present and past, in diverse contexts, orally and written.
*Identifies and interprets the main idea in a written or orally text or dialogue to express a brief message, orally and written, using background knowledge, non verbal elements and context.
*Identifies and uses the vocabulary related to childhood memories, life in the past, means of transportation, towns, inventions/electrical devices, clothes and fashion, lifestyles, families, sports and vacation activities to interpret and compare things
1. This activity will be divided into two tasks: different exercises that will help you to practice and focus on the grammar and vocabulary of the units, and the “Written Section” where you have to apply what you learned in order to write a composition.
2. In every exercise, you will find out the pages from your student book you need to study.
3. To help you go through the different topics, you will find another document called “Guide for the exam”. This document contains the explanations and examples necessary for you to understand and apply the contents in this activity.
4. You can consult your dictionary or any web page, as well as the “Guía de aprendizaje” for more examples, practices, readings or other information.
5. To check your paper, at the platform you will see the document: ”Rúbrica para evaluar proyectos”, where you can see all the aspects that will be checked in your activities, and the points you will be able to get. You can find this document at the menu “Herramientas”, in the option “Documentos”.
6. Remember to upload your project on time.
7. Now it’s time for you to start !
I.- Vocabulary: Verbs related to water (page 6)
Match the definitions to the corresponding concepts. (3 points)
1.- Evaporat ( c ) a) when you throw something to water and it remains on the surface.
2.-Drip ( d ) b)When you throw something to water and it goes to the bottom.
3.-Freeze ( e ) c) When water becomes steam.
d) when drops of water continuously fall.
e) when water becomes solid.
Complete the phrases using the vocabulary above. (2 points)
1.- I can´t drink this water, it has something freezing.
2.- The faucet is dripping You should call the plumber now.
Fill in the blanks using the structure of the Conditional Type 0 (3 points)
1.- If you pollute oil to water, it throws (pollute – throw)
2.- If Sam arrives late to her house, her mother punishes hard (arrive –punish)
3.- I get sick when I travel by boat (get sick – travel)
Complete the ideas about you (2 points)
1.- If I take a shower you heat water,
2.- If the water is dirty people don’t drink any water in a month,
Make sentences using the prompts. (3 points) Check the example:
1.- you / mix / yellow / blue > you / get / green
when you mix yellow and blue, you get green
2.- you / not / play / with soil > you / not / get / sick
When you don’t play with soil, you don’t get sick
3.- Sarah / eat / too much / chocolate > she / get / fat / immediately
When Sarah eats too much chocolate, she get fat immediately
4.-a / plant / die > it / not / get / enough / water
When a plant dies, it doesn’t get enough water
III.- Simple present tense (page 9)
Write the verbs in the correct present form. (5 points)
1.- Abby visits her grandmother every day.
2.- The boys play soccer after school on Friday.
3.- Martha and her family go to Cancun every summer vacation.
4.- Students have an exam, every two weeks.
5.- Alejandro always studies very hard for his exams.
IV.- Vocabulary about bad habits. (page 10)
Write the 4 bad habits you can’t stand and say why. (4 points)
1.-Be late for an appointment: I am very punctual and I get angry when I have to wait for someone.
2.- Throw garbage in the street: I hate to see people throwing trash because I would like a better and cleaner world
3.- Have bad table manners: I think it's a lack of education and looks very bad.