- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

CNN Exam Review.

Enviado por   •  23 de Mayo de 2016  •  Apuntes  •  4.785 Palabras (20 Páginas)  •  192 Visitas

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Of the following, which is not considered a calcium carbonate phosphate binder?

[pic 1] Oscal 500 
[pic 2] Tums EX 
[pic 3] Amphojel 
[pic 4] Caltrate 600 


Correct Answer:

The calcium carbonate phosphate binders include:
Oscal 500
Tums 500
Caltrate 600
Chooz gum
Tums Ultra

When a patient is on hemodialysis treatments, which of the following is considered
to account for the least amount of complications?

[pic 5] Nausea/vomiting 
[pic 6] Hypotension 
[pic 7] Back pain 
[pic 8] Itching 


Correct Answer:

Nausea/vomiting is seen in approximately up to 15% of these patients.
Hypotension is seen in approximately 20 to 30% of these patients.
Itching is seen in approximately 5% of these patients.
Back pain is seen in approximately 2 to 5% of these patients.

Deltasone is considered to be which of the following?

[pic 9] Corticosteroid 
[pic 10] Calcineurin inhibitor 
[pic 11] Antiproliferative agent 
[pic 12] Interleukin-2 receptor antagonists 


Correct Answer:

An example of a calcineurin inhibitor would be Prograf.
An example of a antiproliferative agent would be CellCept.
An example of a interleukin-2 receptor antogonists would be Simulect.
An example of a corticosteroid would be Deltasone.

Which of the following would be considered to be the most common problem with slow continuous
ultrafiltration (SCUF)?

[pic 13] The patient does not obtain the desire quantity of ultrafiltration. 
[pic 14] The patient won't clot. 
[pic 15] The patient doesn’t like being on the treatment so long. 
[pic 16] None of the above 

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Correct Answer:
The patient does not obtain the desired quantity of ultrafiltration.

The other 3 options above are incorrect.
With SCUF, the most common problem is the patient not obtaining the desired quantity of
ultrafiltration. The cause of this is that there may be clotting of the hemofilter or a
decrease in blood flow through the circuit.
Other causes of a low ultrafiltration rate can be:
A kink in the tubing
A problem with the patient’s access.
A drop in the patient’s arterial pressure.

A hemodialysis patient is having chest pain, shortness of breath,
nausea and vomiting, and is diaphoretic. Which of the following
interventions would not be correct for this patient?

[pic 17] Increase the UF rate temporarily. 
[pic 18] Administer oxygen as indicated. 
[pic 19] Administer chest pain medications per protocol. 
[pic 20] None of the above 

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Correct Answer:
Increase the UF rate temporarily.

Oxygen and chest pain medication should be given immediately.
When the patient is experiencing chest pain accompanied by the
above symptoms, the UF rate would be decreased, not increased.
If the chest pain becomes severe, the dialysis should be discontinued.

Desirable hemoglobin would be a care indicator for the end-stage
renal disease patient. In addition, other care indicators could include all
of the following except?

[pic 21] Controlled blood pressure 
[pic 22] Adequacy of the dialysis 
[pic 23] Optimal nutritional status 
[pic 24] Uncontrolled blood pressure 

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Correct Answer:
Uncontrolled blood pressure

The care indicators for the end-stage renal disease patient
could include:
Controlled blood pressure
Adequacy of the dialysis
Optimal nutritional status
Desirable hemoglobin

As the chronic renal patient's condition deteriorates, which of the following would not be
considered correct?

[pic 25] Referral of the patient to a nephrologist. 
[pic 26] Discharge the patient without follow-up care. 
[pic 27] Involvement of the renal dietitian and pharmacist to potentially delay the
progression of the disease 
[pic 28] None of the above 


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