- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ocurrencia Y Persistencia De Productos Farmaceuticos En Las Peninsula De Yucatan

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Rosa M. Leal-Bautista1*, Galdy Hernández-Zárate2, Norma A. Jaime M3, Germán Cuevas R.4 and Guadalupe Velázquez Oliman5

1Unidad de Ciencias del Agua. Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán Calle 8 no. 29 Mza.39 SM 64, Cancún. Q. Roo, México CP 77524. 2Instituto Tecnológico de Boca del Río. Laboratorio de Investigación de Recursos Acuáticos. 3Universidad de Guanajuato, Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, División de Ingeniería. Campus Guanajuato. Universidad de Guanajuato. 4Universidad de Guanajuato, Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, División de Ingenierías, Campus Guanajuato. Universidad de Guanajuato. 5Empresa de Manejo Cultural S. A. Email:

*Corresponding Author


The objective of this research project was to sample groundwater from touristic to non-touristic wells and sinkholes along the Riviera Maya region, to determine the occurrence, source and extent of the fecal contamination, and establish if the recreational activities of this zone is rising as an anthropogenic contamination source. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is one of the most common bio-indicators to asses the bacteriological water quality its presence is related with pathogenic health problems associated to anthropogenic influence such as leaks from septic tanks, and raw wastewater. Despite the limitations and problems associated with the detection of fecal bacteria, this bio-indicator is still present in several water policies around the world. The study zone was located at Puerto Morelos Quintana Roo, where seven groundwater samples were collected from sinkholes and wells. Bacteriological analysis were performed by the chromogenic substrate technique to determine total coliforms and E. coli, molecular microbiology technique allowed for identification of Vibrio spp., and chromatography method was performed to determine the presence or absence of caffeine. At the field, pH, dissolved oxygen and temperature were determined at the collection of the sample by a multiparametric sonde. Alkalinity, nitrate, nitrite, total nitrogen, phosphate, total suspended solid and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were determined at laboratory. The results reveal that fecal contamination in groundwater at the touristic and non-touristic sampled sites is occurring. However the detection of the Vibrio spp. and the determination of caffeine makes evident that only in the touristic sites the extent of the contamination implies a human source. The others sources of bacteriological contamination can be linked to the type of coastal ecosystems presented along the area of study.

Key words: Fecal contamination; Caffeine; Karstic Aquifer.


El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la presencia, extensión y fuentes de contaminación fecal de muestras de agua subterránea de pozos y cenotes en sitios turísticos y no turísticos en la Riviera Maya y establecer si las actividades recreativas que van en aumento, son fuente de contaminación antrópica en esta zona. Escherichia coli (E. coli) es uno de los bioindicadores mas común para evaluar la calidad bacteriológica del agua, su presencia está relacionada con problemas de salud por patógenos asociados a influencia antrópica tales como fugas de tanques sépticos y aguas residuales sin tratar. A pesar de las limitaciones y problemas asociados a la detección de bacterias fecales, este bioindicador continua presente en las diversas políticas de calidad de agua en el mundo. El estudio se desarrolló en el área de Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo. México, colectándose siete muestras de agua subterránea de pozos y cenotes. Se efectuaron análisis bacteriológicos mediante las técnicas de sustrato cromogénico para la determinación de Coliformes totales, E. coli y de microbiología molecular para la identificación del genero Vibrio spp.; la detección de cafeína se efectúo mediante técnicas cromatográficas. Los parámetros de campo (pH, oxígeno disuelto, conductividad eléctrica y temperatura), fueron determinados al momento de la colecta de muestras mediante una sonda multiparamétrica. Los parámetros de alcalinidad, nitratos, nitritos, nitrógeno total, fosfato, sólidos


suspendidos totales y Demanda Química de Oxigeno se determinaron en laboratorio. Los resultados revelaron la presencia de contaminación fecal en agua subterránea en sitios turísticos y no turísticos. La presencia del género vibrio, y la detección de cafeína confirmaron que la alteración de la calidad del agua en algunos de estos sitios tiene una conexión directa con actividades antrópicas de tipo turístico. La información colectada en este estudio además de servir a la comunidad científica puede ser adecuada para entender la importancia del manejo de las políticas del agua y la importancia de la evaluación del impacto ecológico de las actividades turísticas.

Palabras clave: Contaminación fecal; Cafeína; Kárstico Acuífero.


The touristic activity has become an important economical activity worldwide, in México this represent the third economical force. The Cancun-Riviera Maya in Quintana Roo; México; due to its natural resources: beaches, jungles, sinkholes, and reef, is one of the main Mexican touristic poles. It has reached a great development and growth in Latin America with 20-25% growth per year (SECTUR, 2009). Moreover, this region underlies a vulnerable karstic coastal aquifer at the Yucatán Peninsula, which is considered a groundwater dependent ecosystem (GDE) completely reliant on aquifers for supplies of fresh water. High permeability fractured limestone, such as the one underlying the Cancun-Riviera Maya, allows rapid transport of microbial and chemical contamination resulting in a significant potential increase of pollution affecting the ecosystems. As this activity rises, there is an increase in service and new influx of new inhabitants. In 2005 the overall net migration (immigrants into the state versus emigrants out of the state) in Quintana Roo of persons that have lived in the state for five years or more recorded an influx of 72,306 individuals (INEGI, 2005). In that same year the percentage of immigrants in the state in respect to the rest of the population was estimated at 8.1% (INEGI, 2005). Compared to the influx estimated in 2002 at 5.3% the overall migration into Quintana Roo is on the rise (Hausman, 2009).

Hydrogeologic setting

The Yucatán Peninsula is a large, emergent carbonate platform with developed karst features. Dissolution of carbonate material along fractures is common, promoting the karstic features such as sinkholes, karstic


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