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Manual For Installing A OS
Phases of installing an operating system
1. Prepare the computer to boot from CD / DVD.
Two. Preparing the Hard Drive:
Three. Run the installer
April. Provide the name and password of the user to the system administrator.
May. Select the components optional software you want to install.
June. Adjust the network settings.
July. Install the boot loader.
August. Perform security updates.
9. Install browser plugins.
10. Install Drivers needed for unrecognized devices in the installation
1. Prepare the computer to boot from CD / DVD.
Modern equipment usually already prepared for it. However, if you put the CD installation, not carried the installer, you will need to change the BIOS settings, to choose the CD / DVD as first device to boot.
This operation depends on the motherboard model / mother of the team, so if possible consult the manufacturer's documentation.
Normally, to access changing the BIOS setup, you must press the "delete", "F2" in the first seconds of POST (system check in the ignition).
Then in the advanced settings, we must change the parameter BOOT for the first device is the CD. This operation differs greatly between different computers. Manipulating other BIOS settings may leave the computer unusable. Get help from an expert if you do not know what to do. Select the option to exit without saving changes (EXIT Without update).
Finally, you should select the option to save changes and exit (usually by pressing F10).
Two. Preparing the Hard Drive:
This phase is to partition the type needed for our OS Can be installed.
In Windows partition types used are FAT32 (Windows 95/98) and NTFS (Windows NT/2000 and XP). On Linux / UNIX, accepted many more types of partitions, with the filesystem more popular EXT3.
If you want to install an operating system on a disk which already has another operating system installed, it is very important to back up important data before continuing the installation, as there is a high risk of losing ALL an error during the process. Having done this, we have two options:
Replace the previous operating system.
Install allowing their coexistence and selection during the computer boot.
If we choose the first option, usually a good idea to delete the installation process the old partitions and then create the new, performing a complete check their status to know if there are errors or defects in the disc.
In case you want to make a dual installation, you will need to get enough space to install the new operating system, usually restándoselo to existing partitions above for the first system. This delicate task, usually done with special software tools like "Partition Magic" or free and Linux QTParted. In both cases, it is advisable to make only one change at a time and carry it into effect, instead of programming several chains.
Programs Linux installers, usually incorporate tools that enable the change. Not so in Windows, which only allow delete old and create new ones.
It is often very interesting for security reasons, create separate partitions for saving user data (eg a D: drive in Windows, or / home in Linux).
Three. Run the installer
This is usually sufficient to enter the installation CD and restarting the computer with the inside. We must be alert to the earliest moments to read a possible message to installation and accept it. Otherwise, simply wait and do nothing.
April. Provide the name and password of the user to the system administrator.
Every multiuser system worth its salt must have a person responsible for operation, maintenance and issue permits for use of the equipment and / or resources to third parties. It is during the installation phase during which specifies the password to stop it. On UNIX systems, the administrator name is always "root". In systems like Windows, Ubuntu or GuadaLinex, this work takes the first user, until you specify otherwise.
May. Select the components optional software you want to install.
Many distributions S.O. may contain additional software (sometimes multiple CDs or DVDs) that can be installed during installation. It is common that we ask why selection of recommended or customized programs you want to install. Once done, starts to copy all the necessary files from the installation media to the hard disk of the computer.
June. Adjust the network settings.
If our team is going to be used on a local network or the Internet, we must properly configure the communications device (usually the network card). To do this, we will need to obtain relevant information from the network administrator or provider of Internet services that have hired you.
The most common (and therefore the default installation) is that computers are configured so that automatically get the necessary adjustment of the network from another computer that coordinates all, using a protocol called DHCP (Dinamyc Host Control Protocol) . If so, we need do nothing more.
Otherwise, you must obtain and enter the appropriate information for your network card: (all combinations of 4 numbers from 0 to 255 separated by periods)
IP address: The number that distinguishes your computer on the network to communicate.
Subnet Mask: a number that helps to distinguish whether the addresses that we are on our local network or external. Usually is
Default Gateway: The IP address the device (eg router), which gives us access to other networks, such as Internet.
Address of a DNS server: The address of the computer that can inform the IP address of another who only know by your domain name. They do the job of the "white pages" of the Internet.
IP's can be obtained from DNS:
July. Install the boot loader.
When installing the operating system, it is necessary to include in the boot sector of the hard drive (called MBR or Master Boot Record), a small program that allows us to find where in the disk are different operating systems, and select one to start to work when we turn on the computer.
On Linux installations, the program in question is usually the LILO (Linux Loader) or GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader).