- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Unidad 1 Biologia 3102 UPRP 2014

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Unidad I Biology


Origen de la vida


Bacterias y Protistas

I Introducción a la Biología Cap. 1 Págs. 1-12 16-21

Evolution is the process of change that has transformed life on Earth from its earliest beginnings to the diversity of organisms living today. Fundamental organizing principle in biology and core theme.

Biology study of life, poses questions about living organisms & uses scientific inquiry through its study

Some properties of Life:

Order sunflower

Energy processing Ingestion and processing of nutrients Butterfly and flower

Growth and development Inherited info in genes controls it Seed into plant

Evolutionary adaptation Sea horse camouflage overtime…

Regulation Rabbits ears

Response to environment Venues fly trap

Reproduction Jiraffe with offspring

Organization-New properties emerge at successive levels of biological organization

From biosphere to molecules-Emeergent properties, Structure and Function-Cell basic unit of life displays both.

Information-:Life processes Involve the Expression and transmission of genetic info.

DNA the genetic material. Genomics: large scale analysis of DNA Sequences

Énergy and matter-Life requires the transfer and transformation of energy and matter

Producers and consumers-Energy flow and chemical cycling

Interactions-From ecosystems to Molecules Interactions are important in Biological Systems

Ecosystems:An organism Interacts Interactions with other organisms

Molecules:Interactions within organisms-Feedback regulation

Evolution-The Core theme of Biology-scientific explanation for diversity and shared features as well as adaptation of organism to their environments

1-Apreciar la importancia del estudio de La biodiversidad

Evolution evolutionary mechanisms- accounts for the unity and diversity of life

Classifying the Diversity of Life-trying to make sense of variety

2-Conocer los niveles de organización biológica-, grouping by shared characteristics, before gropupings by careful; comparisons of structures , functions and other obvious features. Now comparisons of DNA, debate about kingdoms, agreement in domains.

DOMAIN Eukarya

KINGDOM Animalia (6-12)

PHYLUM Chordata

CLASS Mammalia




SPECIES-Ursus Amricanus

3- Discutir los 3 Dominios del Árbol de la Vida

Domain BACTERIA-are the most widespread PROKARIOTES & are now classified into multiple kingdoms

Domain ARQUEA-PROKARYOTES live in Earths extremes environments such as salty lakes and boiling hot springs MK

Domain EUKARYA-includes three kingdoms of multicellular EUKARYOTES

Kingdoms Plantae Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Animalia-Distinguished partly by mode of nutrition

Kingdom PLANTAE-consist of terrestrial multicellular EUKARYOTES (land plants) that carry out photosynthesis. The conversion of light energy to chemical energy in food. They produce their own sugars and other food molecules through photosynthesis.

Kingdom FUNGI-absorb dissolved food nutrients from their surroundings or outside their bodies

Kingdom Animalia consist of multicellular EUKARYOTES that ingest food by eating and digesting other organisms. Consumers.

PROTIST are mostly unicellular Eukaryotes (and some relatively simple multicellular relatives) some more related to plan animals and fungi than to other protist. (Trend split into several kindoms.)

(Unity-Ex Cilia in Paramecium in pond water and cilia in human windpipe cells)

4-Mencionar las características generales que definen los dominios

5-Reconocer los niveles de clasificación de los organismos vivos

6-Identificar los pasos del método científico

In studying nature, scientists make observations and form tests hypotheses

Scientists use a process of Inquiry that includes making observations, forming logical and testable explanations (hypothesis)

Making Observations

They collect Data or information in which a hypothesis is based-qualitative, quantitative

Co0llecting and analysing data and observations Can lead to important logical general conclusion through inductive reasoning and make predicitons that can be used to test a hypothesis.

Forming and testing hypothesis

hypothesis is, a tentative answer To. A well framed question, must be testable, through exp or observations

deductive reasoning LOGIC FROM GENERAL TO SPECIFIC form prediction that will result what will be found through a particular hypothesis

an experiment is a scientific test carried out under controlled conditions

controlled experiments are to demonstrate the effect of one variable by testing control groups and experimental groups that differ only on one variable

theory is broad in scope generates new hypothesis an is supported by a large body of evidence


Diversitiy-hall mark of life and also of unity. The number and variety of organisms found within a specific geographic region or environment & earth between species and within and between ecosystems

Diversidad-variedad de especies vivos que viven en un lugar.

Taxonomy-a scientific discipline concerned with naming and classifying the diverse forms of life

Taxonomía-disciplina científica que nombra y clasifica las diversas formas de vida

Eukaryote-an organism with eukaryotic cells. They are made up of cells of membrane enclosed nucleus and membrane enclosed organelles. The domain Eukarya includes 3 kingoms at a multicellular level:Kingdoms Plantae, Fungi and Animalia, distinguished by their modes of nutrition. Single celled Eukaryotes protists numerous and diverse


DOMAIN-taxonomic category above the kingdom level. The 3 Domains are Archea Bacteria Eukarya

Dominio-categoria taxonómica sobre el nivel de Reino. Los 3 Dominios son Arquea Bacteria Eukarya

Kingdom- a taxonomic category, the second broadest after domain

Reino-una categoría taxonómica, la segunda más amplia después de Dominio

Bacteria-another prokaryotic domain, the other one being Archea

Bacteria-el otro dominio prokariotico, el otro siendo Arquea

Archea one of two prokaryotic domains the other one being Bacteria

Arquea-Uno de Los dominios prokarioticos el otro siendo bacteria

Fungi is defined


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