- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Reciba usted,  la más cordial  bienvenida al presente ciclo académico de la Escuela  profesional de Psicología Humana en la Universidad Alas Peruanas.

En la guía de trabajo académico  que presentamos a continuación se le plantea actividades de aprendizaje que deberá desarrollar en los plazos establecidos y considerando la normativa e indicaciones del Docente Tutor.



  • PROPER PRESENTATION OF YOUR ACADEMIC WORK (SPELLING, FORMAT, AND WRITING). Esta parte del trabajo académico no es para ser desarrollada, sino para recordarle que su redacción debe ser la apropiada. No emplee letras mayúsculas para todos sus textos (sólo donde sea necesario) y revise bien la gramática inglesa para evitar cometer errores. ( 2 points )

  1. Write the characteristics about PSYCHOLOGIST PROFILE. Using simple present and present continuous. (3 points)


  • He develops attitudes and behaviors of participation.
  • This child lives permanently a separation anxiety.
  • He doesn't set clear limits between fantasy and reality.
  • He needs to be constantly protected and heard.
  • He is honing his ability to socialize.
  • He accepts the rules.
  • He is accepting the context.

  1. Select people, places, services, time, costs, benefits, quality, etc.  (3 points)
  • Make comparative and superlative sentences.
  • Do not forget to support each sentence. (Summer is better than Winter Because many people feel happy When the weather is hot and sunny)
  • Writes at least 10 sentences between comparative and superlative.

1. - The teenagers are more studious than children because they care more about their future.

2. - Toyota is better than Hyundai because many people prefer their quality and designs of cars.

3.-Katie is busier than Jake because she works 8 hours in an office and he's unemployed.

4.-Peter is taller than Anna, because usually men are taller than women

5.-Jose is fatter than Peter, because one eats fast food and the other goes to the gym.

6. - Sony has the most expensive prices for computer equipment but many people prefer their products over other brands.

7. - The Nile River is the longest river in the world and is the dreams of many people know that place.

8. - My sister prepares his homework more carefully than his classmates because she wants to be in first place.

9. - Joe says this work is the worst because it works more than 8 hours at the factory and it is very cold.

10. - He is the smartest in the class unlike his friends because he studies every day

  1. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.  (3 points)

  1. The young people aren’t the future, are the present.
  2. You always work with Peter because he is a good worker.
  3. If you think before talking, you will not have to repent later.
  4. There isn’t much water in the river.
  5. Ollanta Humala has been elected president in the 2011.
  6. Peruvian people had been considered disciplined and workers.
  7. We have a lot of work tomorrow. 
  8. Our employees have been working on the weekend. 
  1. Present perfect ( 4 points)

Write sentences in present perfect simple.

  1. We / reach / our goal - We have reached our goal.
  2. Our team / lose / the match - Our team have lost the match
  3. She / underline / the word -  She has underline the word
  4. They / not / discover / the treasure - They haven’t discovered the treasure.
  5. Ron / not / talk / about the problem - Ron has not talked about the problem.

Write questions in present perfect simple.

  1. You / knock / at the door – Have you knocked at the door?
  2. The teacher / mark / the tests - Has de teacher market the tests?
  3. She / buy / a new computer – Has she buyed a new computer?
  4. They / rescue / the girl - Have they rescued the girl?
  5. Brad / wear / a blue shirt – Has worn a blue shirt?

  1. Create a dialogue ( 25 lines) between a psychologist and a mother about A PROBLEM CHILD ( 3 Points)


Psychologist: - Hello, could you tell me your name?

Patient: - Mary Frank

Psychologist: - How you feeling today and that brings you here?


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