- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  12 de Febrero de 2018  •  Tarea  •  334 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  92 Visitas

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When we are going to choose our career it is not easy. A lot of teenagers are in this complicated situation, doing a big mention in the word “complicated”, because is the most difficult moment between the school and the university, and also is the time of big changes like emotional and physical and they have to choose about their professional future, the one that could be chosen by the influence of friends, family and another factors. They colud be the incorrects, having big consequuences not only in life beside in ther social ambit, it is easy to know what we like, when we already tried it but choose about if we like something or not is actually dificult and confused

Is for that, why i want to talk you about vocational orientation, even thouhg we have listened a lot time before, actually we hadnt been interested  enough to explore beyond that, that is truly fundamental tool for the important election that awaits us. The vocational orientation is essencial in the educational process to help in the knowledge and information improvment starting from needs, preferences, habilities, and potencial integrating them with the opportunities given by the media, counting with an advice to choose  the decisión that will mark our future. A lot of universities in Medellin, offer  this type of services like U Antioquia, Medellin, Ncaional, CES, Eafit and more. Throuhg this programs teenagers could have a experience in which they will know, their funcional areas, challenges, and revelance in the actual context. You will ask yourselves ¿What are the most common mistakes we make at the momment to chose a career?

Bascially they are three, that are the most common. The first one is choose the career according to the professions that pay more or for simple stereotypes. The second one is fall against the constant pressures and the last one is choose without enough information, giving up the possibilities to evaluate all the alternatives and opportunities that the world give us..


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