Que Es Educacion
Enviado por Chineto • 24 de Marzo de 2015 • 567 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 163 Visitas
“Cyber bullying”
As you already know, teenagers in the 21st century cannot live without electronics. Internet itself is a wonderful thing! However, what goes on in it isn't so good. Nearly 41% of teenagers get cyber bullied through various sites! 1 out of every 4 kids has it happen more than once! I believe that schools should take action in this. If one of their former students is being bullied by another student the school should have the right to punish the bully.
Unfortunately, you believe that since the bullying isn't happening on campus and it isn't affecting anyone, physically or mentally, during school hours the school shouldn't be involved. Even though your points are good and reasonable, I disagree. Here are the reasons why.
Even though, cyber bullying isn't occurring on campus many of the effects occur during school. If a student is being constantly bullied online they begin to go through behavior changes. In many cases, the students don’t seem to care about important things including their schoolwork. Teens who are being cyber bullied are more likely to begin avoiding school in fear of confronting their bully or simply because they feel humiliated by what their bully has put online about them for everyone to see.
Another reason why school should be able to punish the cyber bully is because one out of eight victims becomes a bully themselves. When a teenager is being cyber bullied they are put as the center of attention online. The victim then begins to feel intimidated by everyone else and they turn into the bully. They begin to believe that since they were bullied it is okay to bully others. The victim will bully others to gain power and not feel as intimidated as they did before but not always will they cyber bully others like they did it to them, in many cases the victims begin to physically bully others.
In addition, cyber bullying can really affect teenagers. Since, all the bullying occurs online the problems become mental. Teenagers begin to feel insecure about them and can even go into depression. Cyber bullied victims are 2 to 9 times more likely to consider committing suicide. Amanda Todd was one of the many victims who was cyber bullied, she committed suicide do to all the hate she was getting from other teens online. Just like Amanda there are many other teens out there in depression or attempting to commit suicide do to all their bullies online.
In conclusion, after reading this, you will have to agree that the schools need to be able to punish all these cyber bullied! Please give careful consideration to all of my reasons. Schools need to take responsibility for their students; they need to make sure they’re safe. Take my advice because if you do you will be providing a safe and friendly campus for all the students. Students will be able to have a healthy education and you