- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Cosmic Reality

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Transcript in part of chakra workshop:

"Chakras are sometimes called "Wheels of the Mind". They are psychic centers that can not really be described fully from a psychological or material view in the same way a cake can not be considered to be just flour, vanilla, sugar, eggs and chocolate. There is a force that has been applied to the ingredients that makes it a cake. Chakras are energy centers that are interelated with the autonomous, parasympathetic and and sympathetic nervous systems.

Each individual perceives and understands life through the perspective of the chakra in which he feels the most comfortable relating from. This is called the "Point of Awareness". In a sense the chakra of the primary point of awareness colours the experience. It is like a filter on a camera, contributing to "Maya" which in the ancient sense of the word was not illusion but rather a faulty or filtered perception of reality as presented by the senses. Knowledge is lacking for acurate perception or interpretation. When the point of awareness-the presiding state of consciousness-and kundalini merge in the upper chakras, enlightenment experiences occur. Sometimes they are permanent, sometimes not. If the force of this merging is intense enough it will lead to a genetic restructuring of the brain and ultimately enlightenment such as that which occurs with deep and profound insight. The Point of Awareness of most humans is in the lower 3 chakras-the majority of us dwell in Manipura or the third chakra.. However there are yoga and meditation techiniques that can slowly and safely raise the Point of Awareness if practiced daily. Chakras respond to certain sounds and smells in the same manner that you respond to your name. Each chakra has sound that can be chanted while focusing upon it image that will help to move the Point of Awareness. For example, the sound that the brow chakra responds to is "Aum". This practice of elevating the Point of Awareness is best done as if one is climbing a ladder. For example if the Point of Awareness is in the second chakra, one would focus on the third chakra and raise the awareness to that level for some time before proceeding to the forth chakra. Once the awareness has stabilized in that chakra (and it will in general take at least 45 days) it is time to work on and discover the next chakra. In helping to determine one's own Point of Awareness if you cannot see or sense your dominate chakra, you can consider your temperament, desires and obstacles, and you can consider your sleeping patterns and position in which you sleep.

Siddhi Powers are sometimes gained by focusing on various chakras causing an activation of that specific energy center. Siddhi powers are sometimes experienced as a result. . In an ancient tradition of Enlightenment such as that which has been preserved by the enlightened monks (the siddha purushas), of Satyaloka Monastery, siddhi powers as well as enlightenment were often passed down from master to seeker through diksha (spiritual initiation). The diksha can be likened to a seed. It may take effect at once or could stay latent for years. Perhaps it will never take root. There are many variables. Diksha is part of an triad employed in ancient shamanistic cultures to help thrust the seeker into a permanent state of enlightenment. This triad is diksha, sadhana (spiritual practice such as yoga & meditation), and maha sutras. Siddhartha recieved many such dikshas from his teachers in his struggle for enlightenment. Following is a listing of siddhis that may occur in the Journey to Enlightenment or in working with the various chakras>

Following is a list of 23 siddhi powers:

Considered to be the Warrior Siddhi Powers:

Trikalajriatvam - knowledge of the past, present and future.

Advandvam: to be beyond pleasure-pain, cold-heat, soft-hard. Non-duality.

Parachittadyabhijnata: knowledge of dreams and the mind.

Pratishtambah: control of effect of fire, wind, water, poisons, weapons, and the sun.

Aparajayah: Victorious. Not able to be defeated.

The next are considered only to occur as the heart begins to purify and flower:

Anumimattvam: hunger, thirst, grief, sorrow, infatuation, delusion and confusion of the mind, old age and death do not harm the body.

Doorshravan: to hear, sitting at one place, speech from however distant a place.

Dudarshan: to see simultaneously events and things in all the realms.

Manojava: the body can travel at the speed of thought to any place.

Kaamaroopa: to assume any form. Shapeshifting.

Parakayapravesh: ability to enter into another's body, whether they are dead or alive.

Swachchandamrutyu: to die at one's own will, death having no control over one.

Sahakridanudarshanam: to see the sports of gods in heaven and have capacity and prowess to participate in it.

Yathaasamkalpa samsiddhi: to attain whatever is desired.

Ajnaapratihataagatih: whereby one's command and movement have no obstruction

These are considered to be the highest siddhi powers:

Anima: the reduction of one's form to one atom. Invisibility

Mahima/Garima: the body can be made to be very heavy.

Laghima: the body can be made to be extremely light

Prapti: abilty to acquire objects of sense pertaining to the respective organs.

Prakaashya: to see invisible things in other realms.

Ishitaa: to stimulate bodies and creatures Control of forces of nature.

Vashita: to have control or dominion over the senses.

Yatkamastadavasyati: To obtain joy by willing it so. The cessation of misery and desire. This is considered to be the highest state of bliss

Satyaloka is an ancient community of Enlightened Beings called the Siddha Purushas.

Some effects of meditation on the various chakras are as follows:

Mooladhara -"Foundation" or Root Chakra-Darduri Siddhi or Frog Jump Siddhi can occur. Can rise in the air by various degrees. Whatever one thinks will happen. There is memory of past life experiences. Security, inner purity, softness of the voice, the burning of all negative karma. The mind is conquered and success is easily obtained. Many obstacles are annihlated. When the Point of Awareness is in Mooladhara there will be great anger, and often clenched fists and tightened jaw. There may be violent or angry behavior often based on insecurity and fear. Security is of utmost importance when awareness is in Mooladhara, as is sleep and food. Discomfort is not tolerated well. Mooladhara sleeping pattern is often between


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