Diagnostico 1 secundaria nva. reforma
Enviado por LV Briano • 22 de Agosto de 2018 • Examen • 843 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 454 Visitas
Examen diagnostico 1er grado
1. Choose 3 daily activities
a) go to the movies b) play soccer c) wash my teeth
d) climb mountains e) go to school f) have a shower
1. a,b,c 2. b,c,d 3. a,c,e 4. c,e,f
2. How old are you?
a) I am 12 years old b) 12 c) I have 12 d) I 12 years
3. What day is today?
a) 26 b) 26 August c) Today’s Monday August 26th, 2017 d) Monday august 26
4. Permission to go to the bathroom
a) Can I go to drink water? b) I need to go to the bathroom c) Can I go to the bathroom? d) Where’s English class?
5. Choose which are the words to explain preferences:
a) like, love, don’t like b) love you, don’t love you c) ride a bike, run d) fun, happy
Examen diagnostico 2do grado
1. Name 2 verbs
a) play b) basketball c) car d) listen e) coffee
a). a,b b) b,d c) b,e d) a,d
2. Choose the correct 2 verbs in past
a) study b) drink c) go d) played e) listened
a) a,b b) c,d c) a,e d) d,e
3. Elements for a sequence:
a) first, then finally
b) yes, Monday, September
c) teacher, school, students
d) one, two, three
4. How do you feel today?
a) happy b) studying c) safe d) do
5. I feel bad, I have a_________________________