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Factors that determine our Personality Title Page:

Our Personality is genetically inherited or determined by the environmental Factors

Daniela Núñez

Universidad Técnica de Ambato

Our Personality is genetically inherited or determined by the environmental Factors

“Personality is to man what perfume is to flower “

(Charles M.Schwab. Ten commandents of success)

The study of the personality has been a great challenge within the time because this part of the humans is very difficult to deal. Thus, one of the topics related to this difficult issue has been the factors that determine the one´s personality. According to this situation, there are three assumptions that some experts have posed through the years, which are more known by people. In this way, is necessary to say that experts believe that personality can be inherited, determined by environment factors and personal experiences or a mix of both of them.

To start explaining each one of these aspects referred to personality is important to have a clear definition of some words which are used a lot of times in this reaction paper. To have a clear idea of what personality, temperament, environment and heredity are can be a useful tool in order to understand in a better way this topic. Chavan (2010) manifest that “Personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others”. So one's personality includes a group of characteristics which show the way in which a person thinks acts and feels. On the other hand, Thomas, Chess & Birch (2006) affirm that “the child's own temperament, that is, his own individual style of responding to the environment.” Some experts said that a child begins to express a characteristic temperament since the first days of life. The environment refers to factors like culture,

family, friends , social groups and so on. Heredity is the last word to define, which consists in the study of the genes.

The first assumption is which manifests that personality is determined by heredity. This theory had a great impact in the past. In order to demonstrate that this issue is true, some experts conducted some experiments with pairs of twins. The results of these studies showed that a great part of the personality is inherited from the parents. Goleman (1986) manifests that “THE genetic makeup of a child is a stronger influence on personality than child rearing, according to the first study to examine identical twins reared in different families ”. The main purpose of this study was to analyze how the different environment in which these twins were brought up could influence in their personalities. However, the results shown that although the different environment, they had some characteristics that were equal.

Even though the genic factor has an important part in personality, experts have emphasized more in how the environment determines our personality. Here is right to say that everything we see is which we learnt. Cherry (2012) manifests that “Culture, religion, education, custom, and family tradition all have something to say about how you should act” To illustrate this assumption in a better way we will use an example: someone who is an English teacher can´t wear a short, sandals and gap to go to work, because the culture


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