Enviado por Fuche • 26 de Julio de 2015 • Ensayo • 1.473 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 108 Visitas
"Political independence is not the end of economic dependence"(Fernandez, 2011, p.756)
The twentieth century is for all mankind an age of vast and profound changes in the political, social, economic, cultural, technological ambit, etc. This was a time that determined the future of thousands of people around the world, a time of freedom and slavery for others, a period that lived and observed hate, blood, triumph, rivalry, inequality, greed and cruelty, for the amount of internal and external conflicts that arose as a result of superiority and dominance over various territories; but it is not ignored that in the last hundred years not only there were conflicts or massacres, but also were developed many technological advances, contributions to science, art, philosophy, literature, music and the origin of new ideas socioeconomic policies.
In the development of this writing will be resolved the following questions about of Third World: Why is it called ‘’Third World’’? How were the first seeds of the colonialism in the Asian and African continents? And what were the main causes of the independence of the Third World? These questions will allow explain the origin, the colonialism and the independence of the Third World.
The third world, is a designation given by Alfred Sauvy referring to "a bloc not integrated in the headlines by the United States and Russia"(Fernandez, 2011, p.759), that is to say, which is a set of countries that do not belong to the blocks established after the Second World War, the Cold War - 1947-; This was a confrontation between two political systems, capitalism and communism, for this first system, established the Western bloc or the first world that had as leader to the United States, and for the second system, formed the Eastern bloc or the second world integrated by Russia. Although currently when we talk about the third world can refer to the "underdevelopment" or "in the way of development".
The nineteenth century was the epoch of the capitalism because during these years was presented the process of economic transformation in Europe (mainly in England), also called the industrial revolution process that generated that European countries sought raw materials and markets in the new lands, and so in short time beginning the "colonization" of Africa and Asia since the access to these two continents was quick for its proximity, and also for the amount of mineral resources that their soils contained, though other causes that influenced in the colonization of the third world were: the cheapest manpower, lands with natural resources did not exist in Europe, fertile territories to create monocultures and the control of the seas and oceans of the territories to more navigation and transportation of products or raw materials. And as a result of the search of territories that provide an increase in the economy of each country, and occurs the exploitation of minerals (Africa has soils that are rich in oil, gold, diamonds, aluminum, copper, and Asia has oil, coal and natural) gas, agriculture (Asia produces cereals and rice, African cotton, coffee and cereals) and human in these two continents.
European countries took the decision to divide the two continents (Asia and Africa) and form colonies -territory dominated by foreign- English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Belgian and Portuguese, and finally this European counties took more than half of Africa (except Liberia and Ethiopia because they were independent Territories), and the coastal States of Asia (the large colony -Pakistan-India- Afghanistan, Indochina, Burma, Nepal, Malaysia, Sumatra and Siam) and all Oceania. During these years Europe developed its industry thanks to the mining and agricultural reserves of Africa and Asia; but the process of colonization was a violation to the human rights (a children, young people, women, men and elders), each of these persons were victims of racism, genocide, exploitation, oppression, poverty, slavery and moreover they lived internal and external conflicts by differences of ideas, languages, beliefs and customs.
At the end of the nineteenth century and near the beginning twentieth century, was exercised with great force the colonization of Africa and Asia, furthermore the violations to the population nonstop; in answer to the suffering were presented several facts in the European and Asian continent that influenced in the beginning of its emancipation, the first is the Bolshevik Revolution , riot generated against the absolutist monarchy that was established in Russia in 1917; the second