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World Of Socks

Enviado por   •  22 de Abril de 2013  •  533 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  312 Visitas

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Socks are a garment with many nuances, but we should know how to look at them. Someone with little open-mindedness may think a sock is a cover for your feet, so that the shoes do not rub, your feet do not freeze, and at least temporarily contains the intense smell that your feet are able to expel if subjected to extreme temperatures. That someone will classify them into dark socks to wear with shoes and white socks to wear with sneakers. Obviously, that someone is losing the wonderful and complex world of socks. Socks are a garment capable of the best and the worst.

To get the best out of them, we have to pay attention. They are small, became a ball , and usually the drawer where you store them is a kind of impenetrable tangle in which they struggle to survive and get out of the drawer and see the world. In the mornings, socks are the last thing you put on. You are going in a hurry. You are late and do not have time to think. With that stress, you open the drawer and look. "Us!, Please take us!", "Remember that we are a couple groovy! ... Only those who have managed to climb to the top of the drawer are able to say things. The others are stuck in the bottom and cannot say anything. Quickly, you have to be able to choose the right ones. I wear boots and it is raining, and I will go to the pool, so they will not be visible and can be colorful striped, but they cannot be very worn because in the pool I will take my boots out. And you opt for the safe option and not risking. Normally black socks and dark colored.

Colored socks, with stripes, sheep, skulls and other imaginative motifs have a restricted use, more playful and cheerful. Although at first glance may seem childish and unimportant. Socks are friendly. They are not traitors. You do not have a size depending on the mold as their friends the shoes. Also, allow us to skate on the floor. They can be fat for when it gets cold. They may be fine for those who refuse to leave the summer. They can be high, that almost reaches your knee, those that hug your leg, do not move and when you put them you say "what a good socks." They can be short, to the mid-calf. They are a little uncomfortable. You spend the day pulling them. They can be of a color that goes with everything. They can be to run, to ski, to play soccer, to play golf, to play tennis, for any sport you can think of ... Even for swimming. Or battle socks, those you buy in a six pack that are exactly the same and wear then every day and whatever you do.

Although they may be a complement to not pay much attention and just go unnoticed, can convert the most elegant set in a real failure if not taken into account. We must be aware that their function is not only aesthetic, but protect, heat, keep feet fresh, and give comfort to the wearer.


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