- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Opinion de romeo y julieta (ingl,)

Enviado por   •  27 de Abril de 2023  •  Resumen  •  1.044 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  78 Visitas

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Friar Lawrence’s Mistakes

Word count: 1037

What if Friar Lawrence did not commit the same mistakes as the ones he did in the story and the play played out differently so that Romeo and Juliet did not get disorganized and instead of killing themselves they got married and lived together? Would that end both families' feuds and help them reconcile? This could happen in a different “timeline” if some other characters like Friar Lawrence had made different actions and communicated better. Shakespeare wrote the play Romeo & Juliet in the late 16th century. Romeo and Juliet, two teenage lovers from rival families in Verona, Italy, are the subject of this tragic tale. The play examines topics including tragedy, fate, and hatred. The Capulet and Montague families, two affluent families in Verona, get into a fight at the start of the play. The two families are bitterly opposed to one another and have been at conflict for years. Romeo, a Montague, and Juliet, a Capulet, two young lovers, meet at a masquerade ball and fall in love right away. The following day, they discreetly wed with the assistance of Friar Laurence, a scholar and a priest who is generous. Romeo and Juliet's families continue to fight as the plot develops, and the couple deals with many difficulties in their union. Romeo's friend Mercutio is in a fray that killed after Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, challenges him to a duel. Romeo is exiled from Verona after murdering Tybalt as retribution. When Juliet's father makes plans for her to wed the affluent young man Paris, the situation gets more challenging. Juliet seeks the assistance of Friar Laurence in her desperation to be with Romeo. He administers a concoction that will render her unconscious for 42 hours, giving the impression that she has passed away. He intends to tell Romeo about the scheme, and when Juliet wakes up, the two will flee together. Romeo, however, never gets the news about Juliet's scheme and after learning that she has passed away, he chooses to take his own life so that he can join her in death. Paris is waiting for him at Juliet's tomb after he purchases poison. Romeo and Paris fight, and Romeo kills Paris before taking the poison and passing away next to the lifeless body of Juliet. Romeo is dead when Juliet awakens, so she chooses to commit suicide. She dies after kissing Romeo's lips, which still contain some poison. The play finishes with the Prince of Verona chastising the two families for their stupid rivalry. The two families are distraught by the loss of their children.

Firstly, the first terrible advice out of the many that Friar Laurence made was hiding Romeo and Juliet's marriage from the feuding families, apart from it being a transgression, it only puts more stress on the lovers to keep it secret and it pushes them to make drastic decisions that most of the time end badly because they are not planned at all. He should have made their marriage public that way people know even though people like their families might not approve. Friar Lawrence should also have advised Juliet differently when she was faced with the forced


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