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Caso Saxonvile

Enviado por   •  10 de Noviembre de 2013  •  1.707 Palabras (7 Páginas)  •  455 Visitas

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Saxonville Sausage companies entered the market 70 years ago and found themselves struggling to position and segment one of their Italian sausages in the market. They recently decided to find a new positioning and segmentation plan where they are able to identify and profile distinct groups of buyers who might require varying product mixes by examining their information such as demographics, psychographics and behavioral difference. Through quantitative research such as focus groups. Their objective was to find a new concept to apply to their Italian sausage ‘Vivio’ and appeal to a new market as well as to create a new marketing plan, in order to achieve its profit objectives for the next fiscal year.


Through focus groups, Saxonville was able to study and analyze different attitude and consumer behavior towards one of their sausage brands ‘Vivio’, which assisted them to improve on positioning their product in the right place of consumer minds.

From the first study (exhibit 4) they came to a synopsis that Vivio was a home cooked meal for the family, mainly purchased by woman who had hectic lives and barely had the time to prepare a home cooked meal. Woman enjoyed preparing this dinner meal because it was convenient and resulted in happiness of the family, furthermore it can be concluded, in terms of positioning that the product should appeal more to the female side, since they are the main purchasers.

They also inferred that the Italian Sausage was a seasonal product mainly bought during the months of fall and winter, this can help Saxonville learn to have a stronger promotion and advertisement strategy during that period of time. Vivio had all three types of users; the heavy, medium and light users, Vivio has consumers that a very loyal to their brand.

The Italian sausage was a multipurpose meal; it wasn’t only used as meal on its own, women usually cooked it with other meals such as casserole or sautéed with a few vegetables. This emphasizes Vivio’s strong base to its customers, not only do they enjoy cooking the meal, but they enjoy preparing Italian sausage with their other dishes.

One of the main problems Vivio had is that it had a poor brand name, it basically confused users because it was an Italian sausage under a German seeming heritage, this might have reflected badly on their sales.

In the second study (exhibit 5)- the perpetual map of Italian Sausage Use; the one dish meal made with Italian Sausage was ranked best under family pleasing as oppose to kids pleasing and adult pleasing. Kids were in favor of hot dogs, beans and mac n cheese. It t Vivio appealed more to woman because it was a relatively easy meal to prepare, easier than a one dish made with chicken. It appealed to them more because it was a meal solution to their problems and they felt they have accomplished something because it is not a frozen meal, but a fresh and nutritious one.

Saxonville later came to a conclusion of several position territories for Italian Sausage use by homemakers (exhibit 6). They presented six different themes where each one portrayed a different purpose. The benefit of such an exhibit creates six different niches that they could possibly target in the future, which later on defines their brand identity and gives them a more precise direction to how the product should be positioned.

Each one revolves around homemakers but present a different purpose. These six themes are: family connection, clever cooking, confidence, appreciation, quick and easy and tradition.


The additional information from exhibit 9 consumers selected and their favorite theme. Family connection and clever cooking out of balancing act and labor love were prioritized where family connection received 54% of the votes, whereas clever cook and balancing act received less than half of the votes.

This brings Saxonville to the conclusion of two different themes where one leans more towards the emotion side (family connection) and the other one leans towards convenience.

Exhibit 11 presents a table showing the purchase intent towards which concept.

32.4 % responded to definitely/ probably would buy to family connection and 28.125 to Clever cooking.


Family connection is a very direct name, attracts its targeted customers and is very straight to the point; it immediately attracts a homemaker who is shopping for a healthy fresh meal. A mother would definitely go for family connection than clever cooking. She wants to feel as if she is preparing a healthy meal for the family, it also comes with an emotional benefit.

Choosing family connection will also benefit Saxonville as a company because it won’t cannibalize Saxonville’s other products such as bratwurst. It highly distinguishes itself from other sausages. Family Connection is a name that stands out because so many of other brands do not specify a theme, thus seizes the attention of homemakers.

Advertising for family connection would be so much more easier because they are targeting market is much specific and smaller.

On the contrary targeting a family only excludes individuals who take


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