- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Global Management

Enviado por   •  7 de Marzo de 2014  •  1.280 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  238 Visitas

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I have learnt many useful things that will help me succeed or at least know what I should be doing and what I will be facing when I start working in an International company. But the most valuable takeaways I´ve learnt are learning how to manage a company´s corporate culture, generating innovation through continuous improvement within your company and understanding how the market you are working in is structured. There might be other very important lessons we´ve been taught but personally I think that for me these ones are the most important and the one´s I´ve learnt the most from.

First of all, a company´s corporate culture is what identifies the company´s behavioral values and the set of habits adopted by the members of a corporation which is reflected in the projected image. Therefore it has become one of the greatest principals that make the difference from one company to another. Currently we are observing a big change in our society. The globalized world decreases boarders and boundaries, as well as many people have more access to information and to knowledge. That is why a correct corporate culture will help the company be more unified, have a better environment, be more efficient and have a better image for our potential and current consumers. A good corporate culture makes the difference nowadays with the large amount of competitors targeting the same markets. This is why a good leader should try to invest and implement the best corporate culture strategies for all the functions in the company to be more productive and have a competitive advantage.

The second very important takeaway I think is basic in today´s business environment is the generation of innovation and the continuous improvement in a corporation. Innovation means the improvement in the Corporation´s, Organization´s or Company´s business model. that is needed to make major organizational, technological or production changes with the goal to be important in the business market with a sole purpose of being more efficient and get a better position in the market or creating a completely new market where there are no competitors.

Innovation is very relevant in today´s economic environment because right now we are in a globalized world where competition is growing and nowadays it is required for companies to innovate, develop, or improve products or services, in order to maintain competitiveness in a market increasingly more saturated with many different options for consumers. Therefore, it is necessary and essential to be at the forefront of the current needs and use different tools that help the company offer best products or services and therefore to position itself strongly in the market. It should be clear the importance that has the innovation today, to create new and better resources and to get more benefits in terms of economic, social, technological, prestige, etc.

The third lesson I have learned during the past weeks and I consider very important is understanding how the market you work on is structured in order to implement different strategies and position yourself competitively by spotting and responding to the opportunities this market can give you. A market structure is the state of the market respecting its competition. The analytical exercise for the market, can only be started when all the information is available. Therefore, before you define any marketing strategy it is necessary to have an extensive and up-to-date knowledge of all components of the structure of the market, for example those factors that are influencing the conditions faced by the company.

These elements are: the product´s you offering possible consumer or user, the competition, the marketers or distributors, the suppliers and the conditions of the productive Sector, in which the organization is located. It is very important to analyze before doing anything what are the restrictions the government has for foreign investment, if you are planning to work in different countries with


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