- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Logística de puertos en Colombia

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Logística De Puertos en Colombia


Juan José González

Susana Osorio


Catalina Londoño

Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia

Ingeniería Administrativa




1.        Formulación del problema        

2.        Justificación        

3.        Objetivos del proyecto        

3.1.        Objetivo general        

3.2.        Objetivos específicos        

4.        Marco de referencias        

4.1.        Antecedentes        

4.2.        Marco teórico        

4.2.1.        Logistics        

4.2.2.        Seaport        

5.        Bibliografía        

  1. Formulación del problema

For all port entities provide an efficient, fast and preferably low cost service, transportation from dry ports and domestic markets in the country should be equally fast and efficiently because in this sector further delay implies higher costs for suppliers and thus for customers, so that paths are required to ports in top condition so that there is no obstruction in the supply chain.

Today to Colombia seaports represent 90% of all exports (Logística, 2007), for the country is an area that deserves attention but lacks the same, as that to be a seaport with optimal functioning paths this should remain in the best state, which in Colombia for reasons such as corruption (carousels recruitment), poor road planning and works to implement not only land routes but also river and railways does not occur.

For all Colombian port industry transportation to and from the ports is not just a difficulty that increases costs is an issue that causes of inefficient seaport systems (Universidad Nacional, 2013) in their processes, slowing a potential branch Colombian economy since many other countries invest heavily in their port systems ecause with this they can lever up their economies and with this more effective competition with better guarantees the Colombian port system could see undervalued and not become competitive enough to continue to be taken into account.

Finally we can ask then what strategy must implement the Colombian state along with the port operators to implement a road infrastructure that is most efficient to make the competitiveness of seaports rises for these come to be highly competitive in the market for its efficiency in delivery times, logistics costs and customer satisfaction?

  1. Justificación

It is not a secret that Colombia is a very potential country, but it is not completely exploited because citizens do not take advantage of the resources that Colombia has. One of the most important fortresses of this city is that it is the only one that is surrounded by 2 oceans, the Atlantic and the Pacific, so we have to enjoy that benefit and exploited it as much as possible.

Today seaport transportation has become a sustainable business in all countries and to Colombia seaports represent 90% of all exports (Logística, 2007), but the difference between other countries and ours is that they make heavily investments in their port system and we don’t, that is how our problem emerged, because we noticed that seaport logistics not only on marine transportation but transportation from dry ports and markets is a diamond in rough that can be useful to improve our economy.

Seaport can be interpreted as an interdependent network of actors that exchange resources, share knowledge and build supply chain capabilities in the pursuit of port customers satisfaction (De Martino, Errichiello, Marasco, & Morvillo, 2013)by port customer we mean shipping companies, freight forwarders and shippers, that’s why Colombia should make investments in seaport innovation, that involves the port operator, the local actors of the supply chain, government and  port authority that are the ones who play the facilitating role between inland port, dry port and with other neighboring seaports.

The importance to build different railways that helps to connect the seaport cargo to the market is not seen and noticed by people because they just don’t know yet the facilities and benefits that it would bring, and how much it would help this country to be more competitive with the export and import of all the supplies that we or other countries might need.

  1. Objetivos del proyecto

  1. Objetivo general

  • Evaluar la posibilidad de la creación de rutas de transporte para para un manejo más ágil y efectivo de la carga para los puertos marítimos en Colombia.
  1. Objetivos específicos

  • Identificar la viabilidad de la implementación de las diferentes modalidades de transporte con la capacidad necesaria para la satisfacción de las necesidades del puerto y del consumidor.
  • Seleccionar la alternativa más viable según las condiciones presentadas en Colombia para el transporte de carga hacia los diferentes puertos existentes.
  • Diseñar alternativas de transporte hacia los puertos marítimos según su demanda para tener rutas de carga óptimas.
  1. Marco de referencias

  1. Antecedentes

A continuación se presentan los artículos por los cuales se decidió tratar el tema de logística de puertos en Colombia, debido a la importancia de estos para el comercio y al papel fundamental que juega la logística en el mercado.


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