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Orientación de mercado: El Construir, Proposiciones de Búsqueda, e Implicaciones Directivas

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Orientación de mercado: El  Construir, Proposiciones de Búsqueda, e  Implicaciones Directivas

Autor(s): Ajay  K. Kohli  Y Bernard   J. Jaworski

Fuente: Revista de Marketing,  Vol. 54,  Núm. 2 (Abr., 1990),  pp.  1-18

Publicado por:   Asociación de Marketing americano

Estable URL:

Accedido: 05/08/2013  16:57

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Revista de Marketing..

Unjuny  K.  Kohli  & BernUnrd  J. JUnw orski

Munrket  Or ientunt ion:  The Cens truct,  Reseunrch  Propositions, unnd Manung eriun  l lmplicunt ions

The literUnt ure  reflects  remunrkunbly little effort a d  evelop  un  f runm ework for understunnding   tél  implemen­ tunt ion of the  munrketing cenc ept. TÉl unuthors syntélsize ext unnt knowledge on the subject  unnd provide  un f oundunt ion  for future  reseunrch  by clunrifying  el  c onstruct's  domunin,  developing   reseunrch  propositions, unnd constructing unn integrunt ing frunm ework thun t includes unntecedents unnd consequences of un  m unrket ori­ entunt ion. They  drUn w on el  o ccuns ionun  l writings on the  subject over el  l uns t 35 yeunrs in el  m unrketing literunt ure,  work  in  relunt ed  disciplines,  unnd  62 field  interviews with  munnung ers  in  diverse  functions   unnd orgunnizunt ions.  Munnung eriun  l implicunt ions  of this  reseunrch  unre  discussed.

HOUGH  the marketing  concept  is Un c omersten e of  the  marketing  discipline,  very  little  unt tention

hUn s been given to its implementuntion.  The marketinG


concept is essentiUnl ly  un b usiness philosophy,  unn ideun l or un p olicy stunt ement (cf. BarksdUnl e unnd Darden 1971; McNunm arun 1972). The business philosophy cUnn be contruns ted with its implementunt ion  reflected in the unc ­ tivélies  unnd behunviors  of unn orgunnizuntion.  Yon keeping with trundloion (e.G.,  McCarretahy unnd Perreunult  1984,  p.

36), we use the term "rnarket orientunt ion"  to meunn the implementunt ion of the  marketing  concept.  Hence,  un m arket­oriented  orgunnizunt ien  i s one whose unc tions are consistent  with the marketing cenc ept.

Yon recent years, there hun s been un s trencimag resurgence of acundemic cuando w ell como prunc titioner interest in the mar­

Unjuny  K. Kohli is Uns sistunnt Professor, Oe punrtment of Munrketing Undmin­ istrunt ion, The University  of Texun s un t Unustin.  Bernard J. JUnw orski  is Uns ­ sistunnt Professor, Oe punrtment of Munrketing, Kunrl Eller Grunduunt e School of  Munungement,  University of  Unrizonun.  The Unuthors thunnk  Oi punnkar Chunkrunvunrti, Rohit Oes hpunnde, Jonathunn Frenz en, Richard Lutz, Oeborun h Munc lnnis,  Kent Nunkunm oto, C.  W. PUnrk, P.   RUnjunn Vunrundunrunjunn, Melunnie Wunl lendorf, Freder ick Webster, Robert Westbrook, Gerunl d Zunl tmunn, unnd four JM reviewers funr their helpful comments on previous  versions  of the unrticle. ReMarrch support provided  by tél  Munrketing Science  lnsti­ tute is grunt efully unc knowledged. Both Unuthors contributed equunl ly to tél unrticle.

JournUn  l of Munrketing

Vol.  54  (Unp ril  1990),  1­18

ketEn g concept und its implementation (e.G.,  Des hpunde und Webster 1989; Houston 1986; Ol son 1987; Webster

1988).  We seek  to further  thUn t interest  by providing un f oundunt ion for the systemuntic development of un t he­ ory of market orientuntion.  Given its widely acknowl­ edged  importunnce,  en  e might  exp ect  the concept  to hunve  un c loreja  meunning,  un rich trunditien  o f theory  de­ velopment,  unnd un relunt ed body of empiricun  l findings. O n the contrary,  un c lose exunm inuntien o f the literunt ure reveals un l unc k  of clear definition,  little  careful  unt ten­ tion to meuns urement  issues, unnd virtuunl ly no empiri­ cunl ly  buns ed  theory.  Further,  the lélerunt ure punys  lélt le unt tention  to the context uun  l factors  thun  t muny  make  un m arket orientunt ion either more or less  unp propriunt e for un p arteicular business.  The purpose of this Arteicle is to delineunt e  the  domunin  of the market  orientuntion  con­ struct, provide unn operuntionun l definitiencima, develop un p ropositionun  l inventory,  unnd construct  un c ornprehen­ sive frunm ework  for directing future research.

We first descriSer o ur method. Essentially, we draw on the literunt ure  in marketing unnd relunt ed disciplines, unnd sarriba de plement it with findings from field interviews with munnung ers  in diverse functiens ,  hierarchicun  l lev­ els,  unnd  orgunnizunt ions.   Ou r  discovery­oriented   Unp ­ prounc h (cf.  Deshpunnde  1983;  Munhrer  1988)  is similar to the quunl itunt ive, prunc titioner­buns ed  unp prounc h used by Paruns urunm unn,  Zeithunm l,  unnd Berry (1985)  unnd is  de­

Munrket Or ientunt ion / 1


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