Productividad Lean
Enviado por svfloriano • 23 de Diciembre de 2013 • 1.077 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 373 Visitas
Lean Thinking is a highly evolved method of managing an organization to improve the productivity, efficiency and quality of its products or services. Japanese and American management specialists developed the ideas and methods over the latter half of the last century. These management techniques have been employed both in the aerospace industry (Boeing) and in the auto sector (Toyota). In the manufacturing sector, the concept is sometimes referred to as World Class manufacturing or High Performance Manufacturing. Lean Thinking is best illustrated by using the manufacturing example.
Lean Thinking es un método altamente evolucionado de administrar una organización para mejorar la productividad, eficiencia y calidad de sus productos o servicios. Especialistas en manejo japonesas y americanas desarrollaron las ideas y métodos durante la segunda mitad del siglo pasado. Estas técnicas de gestión han sido empleadas en la industria aeroespacial (Boeing) y en el sector automotriz (Toyota). En el sector manufacturero, el concepto se refiere a veces como alto rendimiento de fabricación o manufactura de clase mundial. Lean Thinking se ilustra mejor utilizando el ejemplo de fabricación.
Lean Manufacturing is derived from the methods of the successful Japanese automobile manufacturer, Toyota. Lean Manufacturing became internationally recognized as a result of the book, The Machine That Changed The World, by James Womack and Dan Jones. The focus at Toyota, according to Taiichi Ohno, was “the absolute elimination of waste,” where waste is anything that prevents the value-added flow of material from raw material to finished goods. A firm’s customers are the final judges as to whether or not the firm has created value. The Lean approach leads its practitioners to improve their organizations by focusing on the elimination of any and all waste. Lean focuses on improvement and advocates techniques to control the flow of material on the shop floor. As companies implemented Lean in North America, there were many variations of the same theme, but a number of principles were generally agreed upon.
1. The batch-and-queue mode of operation, which encourages large-batch processing and focuses on the efficiency of individual machines and workers, was an outdated model.
2. Lean manufacturing, which views continuous, one-piece flow as the idea, and emphasizes optimizing and integrating systems of people, machines, materials, and facilities, can lead to significant improvements in quality, cost, on-time delivery, and performance.
3. Lean manufacturing is fundamental transformation of an enterprise and needs to be approached as a total organizational and cultural transformation.
Lean Manufacturing se deriva de los métodos del exitoso fabricante de automóviles japonés, Toyota. Lean Manufacturing llegó a ser reconocida internacionalmente como resultado el libro, la máquina que cambió el mundo, por James Womack y Dan Jones. El foco en Toyota, según Taiichi Ohno, fue "la absoluta eliminación de desperdicios," donde los desperdicios son algo que impide el flujo del material de la materia prima a las mercancías acabadas con valor agregado. Los clientes de una empresa son los jueces finales en cuanto a si o no la firma ha creado valor. El enfoque Lean conduce sus practicantes para mejorar sus organizaciones centrándose en la eliminación de cualquier residuo. Lean se centra en técnicas de mejora y defensores para controlar el flujo de material en el taller. Como empresas implementado Lean en América del norte, hubo muchas variaciones sobre el mismo tema, pero generalmente se acordaron una serie de principios.