Sensory Analisis
Enviado por membro • 27 de Abril de 2013 • 696 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 298 Visitas
21.- where is the sense of smell ( olfactory system) located?
Are located in olfactory epithelium (5 cm2area)
22.- what is the definition of odour and aroma?
Odour > (sensed orthonasally)> for pleasant perceptions
Aroma > (sensed retronasally) > for pleasant perceptions.
23.- describe our olfactory system function from stimulus to response.
During inspiration air goes to nasal cavity below level of the epithelium. The stimuli for smell are airborne compounds of volatile substances. Compounds go into olfactory mucosa .Bind to olfactory receptor proteins. Simulate the cilia and provoke olfactory neural activity. Signals sent directly to the olfactory bulb in the brain, where they are processed and sent to olfactory cortex.
24.- which diseases of the olfactory system do you know?
Cryptosmia, anosmia, hyposmia, hyperosmia, parosmia.
25.- what is the importance of the sense of smell for food sensory analysis?
smell sense more important for primitive man smell descriptors are evaluated between appearanceand tastecharacteristics smell sense contributes to the flavoure valuation in the mouth evaluation of odours is very important for cosmetics industry
26.- which factors influence the smell reception?
Adaptation on the stimulus olfactory memory –4 thousand different odours, illness and diseases, toothaches,infections in the mouth,mechanical obstructions (nasal septum anomaly, adenoids), pregnancy,sex/hormones, age , hunger and meal consummation,some compounds, drugs and chemicals.
27.- what does the human eye consist on?
Sight or vision is the ability of the eye and brain to detect electromagnetic waves within the visible range (380 –780 nm) and interpreting the image.
28.- which diseases of the sense sight do you know?
Blindness , nyctalopia ( night blindness), hemeralopia( sun blindness), near-sightedness ( myopia) , far-sightedness ( hyperopia), presbyopia, astigmatism, colour blindness, daltonis (deuteranopia).
29.- what is the importance of the sense of sight for food sensoty analisys.?
is very important .Quite often the main criterion for consumer to buy and eat the product: people tend to prefere colour subject to white, light subject to dark, red hue to blue.
30.- which kinds of eyesight receptor are there in the human eye??????
Rods and cones.
31.- what are the differences between rods and cones?
rod cells (scotopic vision)very light sensitive, allow to see by moonlight or with very little available light (dim light and dark conditions),low visual acuity.
cone cells –3 different kinds(photopic vision)need high light intensities, have high visual acuity, allow to see colour.
32.- what diseases of the tense of hearing do you know?