Taller Sobre Preposiciones y Vocabulario “Exhibición Comercial”
Enviado por Yuli Tatiana Gomez Salazar • 18 de Junio de 2022 • Trabajo • 609 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 87 Visitas
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Taller Sobre Preposiciones y Vocabulario
“Exhibición Comercial”
Gestión de Mercados
2. Lista de tipos de material POP:
- CARTEL: is an ad that is in a fixed or mobile location and is used to convey a message. Employs graphics, fonts, and items that collectively sell a brand, product, or service.
- CENEFA are an advertising tools in the points of sale that would benefit the brands by positioning perpendicularly in the tray against the product advertised to highlight some quality that differentiates it from the rest.
- DANGLER functions as a signage element in the POS that directs the shopper’s gaze towards a particular point, that is, oriented to the brand it promotes, and is usually located on the edge of the shelves of the shelf or additional display.
- ETIQUETA the part of a product that conveys information about the product and the seller. It may be part of the packaging or be attached to the product
- ETIQUETA GRAFICA DE SUELO Floor charts can capture the attention of potential buyers before making a purchase decision. They are made of adhesive material and usually stick to the floors, in order to attract people’s attention while walking.
- GONDOLA Advertising medium consisting of an elongated piece of furniture, of three or more levels, widely used in shops for the presentation of godos
- ISLA DE EXHIBICION type of exhibition displayed on a small platform located in the centers. of a warehouse to show any type of offer or promotion
- PERCHA PUBLICITARIA It is a piece of hanging cardboard, when it moves, attracts consumers.
- SOPORTE DE PISO Combine metal with paper or cardboard. It is on the floor or on a surface.
- TIRA EXHIBIDORA It is positioned in product families. It works by associating display products. Each strip shows eight products at the same time, hooked to the pin.
- VINILO TRANSLUCIDO a material that has the particularity of being opaque when there is no lighting and increase its transparency when illuminated from inside. Due to its meticulous processing process, this type of material guarantees uniform color reproduction.
3. Mapa conceptual sobre la lectura “planimetría”
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4. Repasar preposiciones y significados.
5. completar un párrafo con preposiciones:
Complete the paragraph with the prepositions given. Write the words on their correct position.
Words: A of by to of around at in to of
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