- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Short-term memory

Enviado por   •  5 de Octubre de 2014  •  Ensayo  •  930 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  140 Visitas

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3.b.1. Short-term memory

Herein is all the information that has been addressed since the last time the maintenance or cleaning of the system was made, ie, since the last one enough time to do such work slept.

The degree of conservation or information state depends on the time mentioned and, of course, physiological or genetic capacity of each individual.

This memory is fed mainly on the information you have been through, both from the memory medium and long-term experience and reasoning during above auxiliary memory.

For historical evolution, the time in which this report is more effective corresponds to about 16 hours, reserving 8 hours daily for maintenance. Probably not all the time sleep is used to clean the short-term memory, an important part to the transfer of information from the medium-term memory to long term memory is also dedicated, to put in simplified form, and other maintenance functions of different nature.

There are cleaning systems memory highly recommended short-term and very unwise systems. Just say the first will not be easy to achieve if we have items in short-term memory that generate tensions and demand the attention of the individual. And with regard to the latter point, as an example, the effects of abusive intake of alcohol, which in turn can give us an idea of ​​the effects of a non-abusive but counterproductive intake, specifically for the information contained in herein.

3.b.2. Medium-term memory

One way to optimize the information contained in the short-term memory is to keep the information as organized as possible and this will lead us surely take a lot of data that we can not order at the moment but they are stored to process and sort later eliminates duplicated and definitely writing them by reference to data or similar concepts, thus saving, lots of storage capacity or data file.

It is very likely that in the future computers are always running, running either orders or reorganizing programs.

There are already many real examples of programs that can run automatically: defragmentation and disk maintenance, cleaning the Windows registry, search and download any type of news or programs, data compression, antivirus, etc.

The expression of medium-term memory is useful but does not accurately reflect the nature of its contents.

In this report, the information is retained for a long time will be. But this time will be greater to the extent that the information is more relational and contains less concrete data. That is, if the information is available not only directly, but by its relation to other information is also recorded in the memory.

Thus, regardless of whether certain information is saved in memory in its original condition, including the date of birth of a person next, the medium-term memory tends to be fixed to the extent that the data are transformed


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