- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Integradora Ingles

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[pic 1][pic 2]Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Escuela Industrial y preparatoria Técnica Álvaro Obregón Unidad San Nicolás

Unidad de Aprendizaje: Ingles IV

Nombres de los Integrantes:                                 Matricula:

Nombre de la Maestra: Tania Elizabeth

Aula: 306

Grupo: 4k4

Liga MX, the cheapest way to attend a second stage

              [pic 3]

The average price to attend a football stadium in Mexico is 199 pesos, which makes the country the second cheapest place to watch a game live, according to the list of 25 countries by signing GoEuro.

Attending a stadium for a football match in Mexico is inexpensive compared to countries like Argentina, Brazil and Chile.

Entering a football match in Chile costs 313 pesos, while in Brazil the ticket is 484 pesos and Argentina to attend a stage implies a payout equivalent to 520 pesos.

According to the list of GoEuro, South Africa is the country where the ticket to see a football match is cheaper at an average cost of 163 pesos.

The estimate of how much it costs to attend a stadium to watch a football match was held in conjunction with signing Onefootball, after qualifying leagues depending on their quality of football also considered factors such as transport and travel to attend the stadium.

England, Spain and Italy are the most expensive countries Attending a stadium to watch a match.

In the British country the price to attend a football stadium is 1,403 pesos.


The five most accessible countries to attend a football stadium

Country                                                                    Price (pesos)

South Africa                                                                       $163

Mexico                                                                                $199

Colombia                                                                            $220

Turkey                                                                                 $241

Tunisia                                                                                $249

Manny Pacquiao claims Mayweather rematch

After the scandal over the alleged doping Floyd Mayweather, the Filipino boxer claimed the rematch American who has planned his last fight against Andre Berto morning.

                                        [pic 4]


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