Estado del arte de agregadores en el sector eléctrico en Colombia
Enviado por ledcastromo • 14 de Octubre de 2022 • Informe • 4.721 Palabras (19 Páginas) • 49 Visitas
ISSN 0121-750X
Tipo de artículo: Investigativo.
Título en inglés: State of the art of the insertion of the aggregators to the electricity distribution networks.
Título en español: Estado del arte de la inserción de los agregadores a las redes de distribu-ción eléctrica a través de programas de respuesta a la demanda.
Leidy Daniela Castro Montilla, Sandra Ximena Carvajal Quintero., Universidad Nacional de Colombia Manizales, Colombia.
Manizales, Colombia. Manizales, Colombia.,
The electricity sector has evolved over time and with these changes AMI systems have emerged as an important part of the optimal operation of a smart grid. In this sense, information management systems are beginning to gain importance within AMI systems, so the following article presents a state of the art focused on the role played by Independent Information Management Agents (GIDI) in Colombian electricity distribution. network. This document is based on different international experiences that allow gathering information on the guidelines under which these aggregating agents are governed, and then apply this knowledge to the current Colombian case. Finally, the collected information is analyzed and the applicability to the Colombian electrical system is evaluated.
Keywords: Advanced Measurement Infrastructure (AMI), Demand Response Program, Independent Information Manager (GIDI), modernization of the distribution network, smart grid.readers.
Acknowledgements: The development of this article is part of a research process approved within the financing of a scholarship granted by the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the National Universi-ty of Colombia, Manizales headquarters.
Language: English.
El sector eléctrico ha evolucionado con el tiempo y con estos cambios los sistemas AMI se han convertido en una parte importante del funcionamiento óptimo de una red inteligente. En este sentido, los sistemas de gestión de la información empiezan a cobrar importancia dentro de los sistemas AMI, por lo que el siguiente artículo presenta un estado del arte enfocado en el papel que juegan los Agentes Independientes de Gestión de la Información (GIDI) en la distribución eléctrica colombiana. la red. Este documento se basa en diferentes experiencias internacionales que permiten recabar información sobre los lineamientos bajo los cuales se rigen estos agentes agregadores, para luego aplicar este conocimiento al caso colombiano actual. Finalmente, se analiza la información recopilada y se evalúa la aplicabilidad al sistema eléctrico colombiano.
Palabras clave: Infraestructura de Medición Avanzada (AMI), Programa de Respuesta a la Demanda, Gestor Independiente de Información (GIDI), modernización de la red de distribución, smart grid.readers.
Agradecimientos: El desarrollo de este artículo es parte de un proceso de investigación aprobado dentro del financiamiento de una beca otorgada por la Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Manizales.
© The authors; licensee: Revista Ingeniería. ISSN 0121-750X, E-ISSN 2344-8393
Cite this paper as: Leidy Daniela Castro Montilla, Sandra Ximena Carvajal Quintero: State of the art of the insertion of the aggregators to the electricity distribution networks.. Ingeniería, vol. 00, num. 00, año pp:00-00. 10.14483/udistrital.jour.reving.20XX.X.aXX
1. Introduction
The electrical system has established itself as an important pillar in the evolution and development of humanity, to the point of being considered the main engine of world economic growth [1]. Different changes such as the fourth industrial revolution, the increase in energy demand, climate change, the insertion of consumers as an active part of the electricity system, the progressive increase in distributed generation sources or other factors, have forced networks to be coupled electricity to the characteristics of the 21st century, so that it can provide an affordable, effective, clean, reliable and efficient electricity service.
In this way, the concept of intelligent network or Smart Grid arises, considering it the network of the 21st century, where technologies, hardware, software or enabling practices are combined that together give way to a more reliable, versatile, secure and accommodating network. , resistant, that is, more useful for consumers [2]. Being the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) a clear example of these modernizing technologies, which allows bidirectional communication with the users of the electrical energy service, which integrates hardware (advanced meters, measurement management centers, routers, concentrators, antennas , among others), software and architectures and communications networks, which allow the operation of the infrastructure and the management of the data of the electrical energy distribution system and measurement systems” [3] .
Along with this new infrastructure, new agents arise within the energy sector called aggregators, which in the Colombian case are known as GIDI agents (Independent Information Managers), therefore a search for information about these agents is proposed at the international level in such a way that a state of the art of the same is established and the different global experiences can be compared with the Colombian case.
2. State Of The Art
This section presents the results obtained from the development of the phases proposed in the previous section in such a way that once said methodology has been carried out, the state of the art proposed below can be established, which is divided into four sections, in the first place the information referring to the insertion potential of the aggregators in the energy market is classified, in second place It will be organized from the market architectures, then the information will be classified around the different forms of application of the aggregators in different countries of the world and finally rhe advances related to the implementation of advanced measurement infrastructure are presented, so that international experiences can be compared with the Colombian case.